Richmond Installation

Posted in Blog on March 12th, 2018 by Webmaster

January 27, 2018 

I arrived at 2pm on January 27th for Richmond Assembly #10’s Installation.  There were so many people there and the opening was great.  Sierra Jackson was installed as Worthy Advisor and her theme this term is: Walk the Stage with Broadway Musicals and her programs had several different musicals on their cover.  My favorite one was Hamilton and they played songs from that musical during the Installation so we sang along from the audience.  The line officers even put on a skit for her and Dad Grist did a special poem for Sierra’s crowning ceremony.  Her mascot this term is a red panda that she named Perc.  It was a great beginning to what looks like will be a very successful term.  Once installation was done pictures were taken and we got to vote for the best decorated table in the dining room and then refreshments were served.  Several Rainbow Girls were there from the Manassas Assembly #13: Gigi, Delanie, Zoey, Mackenzie, M’Balu, Joella, Alyssa, and me along with many of our adults which included:  Dad Clancy, Mom Priscilla, Mom Jean, Mom Ange, and Mom Louisa.

In Rainbow Love & Service,

Isabella C.


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Super Bowl Party

Posted in Blog on March 11th, 2018 by Webmaster

On Sunday, February 4th, 2018, the lodge held a super bowl party.  The girls who attended were Maribel, Gigi, Vanessa and myself.  We were required to bring a dish and we all definitely brought enough food for a Super Bowl Party. Dad Clancy used the new TV in the dining hall to broadcast the game. It was a little rusty, but in the end the TV worked well. Everyone there was pretty much against the Patriots. We all screamed for joy when the Eagles won. All in all, the party was fun and we were happy the Eagles won.


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Brotherhood Dance

Posted in Blog on March 10th, 2018 by Webmaster

Article by: Ella

On February 3, Katie, Sami, Vanessa, Mom Paula, Mom Erin, my Grandma, and I went to the DeMolay Brotherhood dance in Richmond.  It took two hours to get there from Smithfield.

We mostly danced our heads off.  It was really dark in the room so Libbie Whitehouse and I used our light up shoes so everyone could see our cool moves.

We met the DeMolay boys at the Scottish Rite. We saw lots of our friends and it was a good night.

I got to give it to you, Sami!  You looked really pretty so a lot of boys wanted to dance with you.  Got to be careful when you break out the make-up!


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Richmond Installation

Posted in Blog on March 9th, 2018 by Webmaster

The Richmond Installation was on January 27th, 2018 at the Scottish Rite Temple. Sierra was being installed as Worthy Advisor and her theme was “Walk the Stage with Broadway Musicals”. I went there with Zoey, M’ Balu, and Mom Jean and we ate at a Wendy’s with very bad service. The girls that attended were Isabella, Gigi, M’ Balu, Zoey, Joella, Makenzie, Dalanie and myself. 

Before the Rainbow Installation, the girls held a Sparkle Installation for Sierra’s little sister. During the Rainbow Installation, the Installing team did a great job and I really liked the carry-in’s that the Richmond girls made. Sierra was presented with her crown, gavel, and sounding block by her friends and family, and she gave a speech about her theme and the musicals that she chose to use in the Installation. Then two of the Richmond girls (one of them being her sister) performed a musical that they wrote about Sierra becoming Worthy Advisor and gave her the red panda mascot. In the refreshment room, each table was decorated with things from some of Sierra’s favorite musicals. Everyone got to vote on the best girl decorated table, and the best adult decorated table. The winners were the Hamilton table (by the girls) and the Wicked table (by the adults). There was lots of food and I definitely had lots of fun!



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