Actions Speak Louder Than Words at Springfield Assembly No. 14

Posted in Blog on February 9th, 2025 by admin

The ladies of Springfield Assembly No. 14, led by new Worthy Advisor Mila, held their Installation of Officers for this ensuing term on Saturday, February 8, 2025, at Elmer Timberman Masonic Lodge No. 54 in Annandale. The installation was well attended by members of numerous sister Assemblies from throughout Virginia, friends, family, and leaders and representatives of several other Masonic organizations in the region. Focusing on a life of service, and letting your actions speak louder than your words, Springfield Assembly will be the mouse that roars in it’s support of Operation Gratitude this term.

Just Keep Swimming with Ashburn Assembly No.11

Posted in Blog on February 2nd, 2025 by Joseph Grist

The members of Ashburn Assembly No. 11 swam through a day filled with initiating new members as well as installing the next slate of term officers on February 1, 2025. First, outgoing Worthy Advisor Leela led her officers, along with assisting members from Hampton Assembly No. 2, Fredericksburg Assembly No. 12, Manassas Assembly No. 13 and Springfield Assembly No. 14, in the initiation ceremony of four new members, starting off 2025 with positive growth and momentum for future prospects. After a brief recess for lunch, the girls then proceeded with installing their new officers for the first term of 2025.

Newly installed Worthy Advisor Kiele, along with her officers, reminded all in attendance that all you need to do is just keep swimming, as they made numerous references to both the “Finding Nemo” and “Finding Dory” movies throughout the installation ceremony. Kiele has chosen Empowerment3 as the Assembly’s charity focus for this term, a James Madison University organization that seeks to empower individuals and their families, professionals (in-service and pre-service), and communities, using the vehicles of physical activity and mentorship. We expect to see a continuation of great things out of Ashburn Assembly No. 11 during 2025!

Story Time with Hampton Assembly No. 2

Posted in Blog on January 26th, 2025 by admin

It was story time as Hampton Assembly No. 2 held their Installation of Officers at Monitor Lodge No. 197 on Sunday, January 26th. Worthy Advisor Gabriella and her officers were installed in front a packed house of fellow Rainbow members from numerous other Assemblies, local and state IORG advisors, supporting Masonic organizations and family members. With symbols of books and bookmarks, Hampton Assembly made the appreciation of reading and literature a special focus today, quoting Jim Rohn “Reading is essential for those who seek to risk above the ordinary”. Entering into their 50th year as an Assembly, the oldest in the Commonwealth, the members of Hampton Assembly No. 2 are doing great things as they plan to honor their past, celebrate the present, and look towards their next 50 years!

Hogwarts School of Rainbow begins at Richmond Assembly No. 10

Posted in Blog on January 26th, 2025 by admin

On Saturday, January 25th, Richmond Assembly No. 10 celebrated a double installation ceremony with the theme of the “Hogwarts School of Rainbow’. First, Pledge Group Orange held their installation of officers with the assistance of their ‘big sisters’, the members of Richmond Assembly No. 10, while embracing the Hogwarts theme in spirit and dress. Then, the Assembly’s officer installation ceremony commenced and included an officer ‘sorting’ experience and a determined game of lodge room Quidditch to catch an energized pledge member representing the ‘Golden Snitch’. This term, the members of Richmond Assembly No. 10 are sharing leadership duties, while supporting their designated term charity, the Children’s Museum of Richmond Book Bank, and service projects that includes the Feed MORE Food Drive along with collecting clothes and food for donation.