Fredericksburg Initiation

Posted in Blog on March 26th, 2020 by Christi Reed

Fredericksburg Initiation – 1/19/2020


On Sunday, January 19th, Manassas Assembly #13 helped with the Fredericksburg initiation.  Many of our members helped with bow stations and Gigi also helped to be Worthy Associate Advisor as well as a bow station.  It was a nice ceremony and Missy Mae has finally gone from pledge to a full Rainbow Girl!  To top it all off it was also her birthday and after the initiation, we all went downstairs to a birthday party.

Isabella – Manassas Assembly #13

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Ashburn Installation

Posted in Blog on March 25th, 2020 by Christi Reed

Ashburn Installation – 2/1/2020

On Saturday, February 1st, I attended the Ashburn Installation of officers.  Samantha S. was installed as Worthy Advisor.  The theme for the term is “All the world needs is faith, trust and a little bit of pixie dust.” Her mascot is baby Tick Tock and since Samantha received two mascots one is named Tick and the other is named Tock.  The colors for the term are pixie dust yellow and Peter Pan green; the flower is the Tiger Lily.  The charity for the term is Give Kids the World Village to match the one for the Grand Worthy Advisor.  There were visiting Rainbow girls from all over.  There were plenty of people dressed as fairies, lost boys, and pirates for the occasion.  Dad Joe performed a crowning ceremony for Samantha as a pirate and several masons were also dressed and spoke with pirate “accents”.  I wish I could have stayed longer, but my mom’s phone was blowing up with urgent matters that I needed to address so we had to leave within a couple of minutes after it ended.

Isabella – Manassas Assembly #13

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Amaranth Installation

Posted in Blog on March 24th, 2020 by Christi Reed

Amaranth Installation – 1/26/2020


On Saturday, January 25th, I attended the Amaranth Destiny Court #14 Installation.  Mom Darcy and Dad Clancy were installed in the east as Royal Matron and Royal Patron, respectively.  Mom Darcy’s Mascot for the year is a dog and it was presented to her by Gigi and Sara. When I walked in the room I felt out of place because so many people were wearing shades of red and I didn’t get the memo, but it makes sense since that is the term color.  The reception hall was decorated so nicely that I didn’t even recognize it because they wrapped the walls in red, yellow, and white.  The desserts were also good!  I’d say their year is off to a good start!

Isabella – Manassas Assembly #13

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Grand Master’s Visit

Posted in Blog on March 23rd, 2020 by Christi Reed

Grand Master’s Visit

The girls set up, cooked and served dinner for the Grand Masters Visit. The girls present were Isabella, Alyssa, Eliza, Dalanie, me, Avery, Elina. We served everyone in 15 minutes, and everyone loved the food. We received a donation of $100 for the Grand Assembly charity, Give Kids the World. We were asked to present the flag before dinner. The girls who presented the flag were Alyssa, Elina, and me. At the end of the day each girl made $100 for their rainbow banks.

In Rainbow Love and Service,

Gigi C.

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