Richmond Installation

Posted in Blog on July 30th, 2018 by Christi Reed

On July 21st, Hampton Assembly attended Richmond’s installation of officers. Their theme was “Live With Every Color of the Rainbow”. Their mascot is Hootie the Owl & Past Worthy Advisor’s Mascots and their motto is “Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends”.  They chose Virginia Rainbow as their charity and have many events planned for the term. The installation itself went beautifully and although there was no installed Worthy Advisor, Sierra Jackson did a great job leading the installation. We were so happy to see our Richmond Assembly sisters and enjoyed their company afterwards during the reception. On the way home, Kensley and I decided to stop by the movies to see Mama Mia 2. Right before the movie began, our sister Aubrianna and her family showed up. It was a great surprise. Overall, it was a super fun day filled with Rainbow love and laughter. 


With Rainbow love and service, 

Lauren Ann

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Fairfax Installation

Posted in Blog on July 29th, 2018 by Christi Reed
On Thursday the 19th of July, Sara and Kensley attended the Fairfax Assembly Installation of Officers. It was so great to be there to see how they had grown from last year. After the installation was over, the girls presented GWA Kensley with two painted plates that match the theme of the term. They looked amazing. The reception was really fun and we especially liked the pie and ice cream. Hampton was so happy to be able to drive over and be there for their special day and we look forward to also attending the next one when it comes time. 
In RL&S,
Hampton #2
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Fredericksburg Installation

Posted in Blog on July 28th, 2018 by Christi Reed
On Saturday the 14th of July, Sara and Kensley attended the Fredericksburg Assembly Installation of Officers. I personally had a lot of fun as Installing Marshal for the first time. The reception was an ice cream bar and each girl got to bring their own favorite ice cream topping. They were all labeled so you could see who had brought each one and what their favorites were. Hampton was so happy to be able to drive over and be there for their special day and we look forward to also attending the next one when it comes time so we can see our far away friends again. 
In RL&S,
Hampton #2
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Her-Burn DeMolay Installation

Posted in Blog on July 26th, 2018 by Christi Reed

On Saturday, June 9th, Manassas Assembly attended the Her-Burn DeMolay Installation. Carter went in as Master Councilor. Emma, Vanessa, Sami, Ella, and myself attended. Mom Erin, Mom Paula, and Dad Wyatt were our drivers. We made a couple of stops and when you are with a group from Rainbow, its always an adventure! We hung out until the dance later that night!


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