Installation of Officers at Fairfax

Posted in Blog on July 4th, 2014 by Webmaster

Fairfax Aug 2014

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Homecoming Grand Visitation

Posted in Blog on May 28th, 2014 by Webmaster

On May 10th 2014, it was Grand Worthy Advisor Katie’s Homecoming Grand Visitation. It took place in Fairfax Assembly, since that is Katie’s home Assembly. Fairfax, Ashburn, and Manassas Assemblies all participated. It was nice having all of the Northern Virginia Assemblies working together. The theme for the visit was “What Makes Us Different Is What Binds Us Together.” There were a lot of adults present, such as the Grand Royal Matron, Gail Lee, with some of her officers and the Supreme Royal Patron, Dad Ekren and some of the Supreme Officers who came to watch the Grand Visitation. Mom Susan Rennagel was also there, as well as Mom Linda Jenkins. There were girls from Richmond who came and Lauren from Hampton. Mom Renn gave a beautifully memorable speech about how much Rainbow grew especially Fairfax Assembly since the last time she was Mother Advisor. When she gave that speech it almost brought tears to my eyes. I really felt that speech. At the end, the three Assemblies did a skit. The theme of the skit was Endangered Species. Ashburn did a hilarious skit about a Tazmanian Devil. Manassas Assembly did another funny skit about sea turtles. And my Assembly, Fairfax, did a more serious skit about banoboos, dolphins, African elephants, and pandas. After we finished the skit, Kaylee presented Katie with a pillow case with the names of the members embroidered on it. Kaylee’s mother made it and there is another one coming with the names of all the girls in Ashburn and Manassas Assemblies. It was a very beautiful Grand Visitation, and one of the nicest I have ever seen. I will miss Katie after Grand Assembly even though we live near each other. Rainbow still won’t be the same without her.

In Rainbow love and service,

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Game Night in Fairfax

Posted in Blog on April 30th, 2014 by Webmaster

On Friday April 25th, Fairfax Assembly decided to throw a game night. It was a very fun and somewhat short night. All but 2 of our members showed up, along with a prospect and some DeMolay from EA Mroz Chapter. Even though two members were missing, it was still nice to see all of my Rainbow friends attend game night. Everyone brought all sorts of games like Mario Kart, Just Dance, Apples to Apples, etc. The first game we played was the video game, Just Dance. The game was very challenging (since we were on a difficult level) but so much fun at the same time! We all took turns playing the game since there could only be four players. Later on while the others were playing Just Dance, I went to sit down and started to play Apples to Apples with the Grand Worthy Advisor Katie, the Mother Advisor of the Assembly, Mom Babbitt, and the Worthy Advisor, Kaylee. When we started to play, one of my Rainbow friends, Aalla, saw us playing it and wanted to join, even though she was in the middle of playing Just Dance! We told her that after she finished her dance then she could play. So when she was done she sat down and started playing with us. Then next thing you know, everyone wanted to play Apples to Apples, even the adults! So we all ended up playing Apples to Apples until game night was over. The game was so fun that nobody wanted to give up and play another game. It was really pleasant to have everyone engaged together and have lots of fun competing against everyone.

In Rainbow Love & Service,

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Invitation to Fairfax’s Installation

Posted in Blog on January 9th, 2014 by Webmaster

Fairfax Installation Invite

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