Mystery in the Library- 11/27/21

Posted in Blog on April 15th, 2022 by Christi Reed

On November 27th, 2021, Quantico-Freedom Assembly held a “Mystery in the Library” event. We got to the Lodge plenty early to decorate our “Library” with plenty of books and to put together goodie bags. I got to play Cinderella, which I was excited for because I have the perfect dress for it! By the end of the event, it turned out that I was the one who committed the crime, and I didn’t even realize it! In all, it was a fun day and I’m glad that I was able to attend.



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Manassas Installation

Posted in Blog on April 14th, 2022 by Christi Reed

On January 8, Manassas held their Installation of Officers. Samantha M went in as Worthy Advisor. I was her installing Chaplain which was my first time in person and not on zoom. She announced that we will be raising money during her term for ACTS. It was great to see everyone get together after these difficult times and weather!


Manassas Assembly #13

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Amaranth Installation

Posted in Blog on April 14th, 2022 by Christi Reed

On January 29, Manassas and Quantico-Freedom girls helped serve at Amaranth’s Installation. We helped serve different types of sliders. Mom Ange M went in as Royal Matron, so it was very special. It was fun bonding with Quantico-Freedom! I can’t wait to see where Mom Ange’s term goes!


Manassas Assembly #13

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Top 10 Things to Love About Rainbow

Posted in Blog on April 13th, 2022 by Christi Reed

1: Rainbow is really fun because you get to make new friends!
2: I love Rainbow because it helps with my anxiety
3: My favorite thing about Rainbow is the skits we do for GV’s
4: You can help people from being in Rainbow
5: People in Rainbow are kind and helpful
6: You can be a better person when you join rainbow
7: Rainbow helps me memorize things better because of what part we are in
8: You can make a lot new friends in Rainbow
9: People support you and make you feel important in Rainbow
10: In Rainbow, everyone is a big family!

Alyssa A

Manassas Assembly #13
