GWA at Hampton

Posted in Blog on August 19th, 2021 by Christi Reed

On July 25, 2021, I was so happy to attend the installation of officers for Hampton Assembly #2 and seeing Reagan once again lead as Worthy Advisor for her Assembly! The installation service was beautiful and her new officers were so excited to be in their new positions! Her theme for this term is, Hamtown Flies the Coop with her saying being, “Birds of a feather flock together”. My personal favorite part of the installation was when the mascots were presented to Reagan and each of her officers. This time, every girl in the Assembly received their own little bird mascot that they got to name! What made this process entertaining was when Mom Sara put on a chicken head and was running around throwing the bags of mascots! I was even surprised with some of my very own mascots as well. For my Grand term, my mascots include dogs, mice, and birds. I already have my dog mascot as well as two mice mascots, but I never got my bird mascots. So, Hampton Assembly presented me with three new members to the family, two small birds a blue one that I names Blu and a red one that I named Ella; and then a duck toy that I named Joe who is now the new mascot of our State Rainbow Dad, Dad Joe. Another thing that I thought was very special for Reagan’s term, is how she let all the girls of the Assembly choose individual service projects that they will tackle throughout these next six months. I thought that this was a very special thing to have each girl choose their own special service project to give a different diversity that they select each moth for the service project. Overall, I had a wonderful time at the installation service of Hampton and they always leave me laughing and having a good time when I step through the doors!

In Rainbow Love and Service, 

Kaitlyn, GWA

Fredericksburg Installation

Posted in Blog on August 19th, 2021 by Christi Reed

On August 1st, Fredericksburg Assembly #12 had their installation of officers. Both Kaitlyn, GWA, and I attended. It was a lovely ceremony and I was privileged to be able to be on the installing team. After the awfully long trip on the road, we made it! Anna went into office as Worthy Advisor, and we wish the best luck and congratulations to her as well as her officers. We know she’s going to do great things!

In Rainbow Love and Service,


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GWA at Richmond

Posted in Blog on August 18th, 2021 by Christi Reed

On July 24, 2021, I was so pleased to be able to travel to Richmond, Virginia to witness the installation of officers for Richmond Assembly #10! Samantha was going to be installed as the new Worthy Advisor of Richmond and the theme of her term is, Finding Magic from Within. I thought that this was a beautiful term idea because it encourages girls to let their true selves shine through and not to be afraid of judgement because every girl has her own special magic that she can express. Samantha’s main charity is the Scottish Rite Language Center. The main highlight of the installation was seeing Dad Fussell dress up as the magical wizard that took Samantha on her journey to find her mascots and her gavel. It was very entertaining and makes me want to sit down and watch wiztube to see all the latest hits! Overall, I thought this was a very entertaining installation and I was so excited to see the new officers get installed in their new positions! I know Samantha will lead her Assembly with magic for the next six months and I am so excited to see her grow as an amazing leader!

In Rainbow Love and Service,

Kaitlyn, GWA

Driving to Richmond Assembly

Posted in Blog on August 18th, 2021 by Christi Reed

On July 24, we drove up to Richmond Assembly for their installation. On the car ride up to Richmond, we listened to 80s music, which my mom sang out loud, and talked about upcoming events. We talked about all the fun events that we will be able to attend this year. We have all greatly missed seeing our sisters in person! We had Wawa for breakfast and got Chickfilà for a later breakfast. It was a really fun car ride! What a Fun Ride! Having fun makes the rides go that much faster!

In Rainbow Love and Service,


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