Murder Mystery Video

           As Gigi’s year came to an end, she asked all of her Grand Officers to record a video of them saying what their favorite Rainbow memory was this Grand Year. Although there have been so many fun events and so many life-long memories, I would have to say that my favorite memory from this year was the Murder Mystery Charity Dinner. This event was my favorite memory because I was lucky enough to play a big role in the play. So big in fact that I was able to be crowned homecoming queen. Ironically, I found out later that night that I was playing the murderer! I thought it was very funny because the character I was playing was such a sweetheart that nobody would suspect her! The Murder Mystery Charity Dinner was definitely my favorite memory this year because I was able to have fun playing a role with many of my Rainbow sisters!

In Rainbow Love, 

Kaitlyn, Norfolk #15

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