Murder in Manassas
Posted in Blog on December 17th, 2018 by Christi ReedThe murder mystery event was on Friday, August 10th. The girls who attended were Gigi, Akshita, Eliza, Isabella, Kate, Joella, Maribel, Dalanie, Vanessa, Selena, Zoey, Aaliyah, M’Batu, Balu and myself. My Nana, sister, and I drove over the hills, through the woods, to Kate’s house. We got there around 6:30 before it started getting dark out. I saw Vanessa and told her I liked her dress, my Nana liked it because it matched her glasses. The girls outside walked inside and closed the door. I went to open it and was told this is V.I.P only. That meant I had to knock on the door. When I knocked they opened and invited me in. My Nana, sister, and I were asked who we are. My Nana was a watcher, my sister was Coach Cartier, and I was Celebrity Judge Jasmine. We ate a lot of snacks and then we began the “murder mystery”. We were encouraged to do whatever it takes, such as blackmail and lying! We talked to people on our lists and got information. After that we all came together and BAM… Tina Texas (Ella) dropped dead! We got envelopes and inside was money and clues. Once again we went around asking people questions and getting information about the murder. People were blackmailed, robbed and lied to. At the end we put all our information together and wrote down who we thought was the killer. My sister wrote down Amy Arizona and was the only one right! Amy Arizona (Dalanie) killed Tina Texas with Tic Tics made in Arizona. We all were surprised and left in awe. Most of the girls were going to the beach the next day so they had to leave as soon as it ended but we took pictures and had a lot of fun and it was pretty cool. My Nana, sister, and I went back over the hills and though the woods back home and when I walked in the house I slept like a baby.
Jazmyn – Manassas Assembly #13