Norfolk Installation and Sleepover: By Victoria
Posted in Blog on August 15th, 2017 by Casey Humphries
Norfolk Assembly’s Installation was amazing and we are so proud of their Assembly and how far they’ve come since they first started. Our Worthy Advisor Brianna and I traveled to visit. Their Worthy Advisor’s theme is ‘Around the World’ and her charity is to help animals that are less fortunate. It was nice to see all the Norfolk girls again and I do hope that Richmond Assembly will do more events with them this year. After the Installation we had lunch and it turns out that they have a tradition in their Assembly that the baby of the line (aka Sister of Faith) has to eat baby food. After lunch some people left but some Rainbow Girls got to stay for the sleepover Norfolk was having. We went to the park, played tag, and just had fun. When we got back to the Temple we had dinner and played ‘Never Have I Ever (Rainbow edition)’. Soon it was time for everyone to go to sleep in preparation for our day at the Brock Environmental Center the next day but it great to spend time with some of my Sisters.
In RL&S,
Richmond Assembly #10