Ashburn Girls team up with Herndon OES

Ashburn Assembly First Time of Service

On August 22, the Rainbow Girls of Ashburn Assembly No. 11 had the chance to help the Herndon Chapter Order of the Eastern Star serve dinner for the Commandery at our Lodge in Ashburn. The girls showed up with excitement as to what they would be doing. We all wore our white aprons for the first time. Our jobs were to help set the tables and serve food and drinks to the Commandery Members after the prayer was said. We all took turns carrying plates of food (taco salad) and serving drinks to the members. We cleared the tables and also served dessert (peach cobbler) and coffee.

It was fun to sit and talk to the members and learn about them and their uniforms. We took several pictures and learned a lot about their plumed hats. There were jokes about how many peacocks had to lose feathers to make one proper headgear. Some of our members volunteered to go on a peacock feather run to see how many we could collect. We wanted to see how many peacocks it would take and feathers so proper hats could be made.

The Herndon Chapter Order of the Eastern Star has the kitchen here running as one smooth working machine and we look forward to working with them again in the future. Plus we got to taste the dessert and it was really good.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you.

In Rainbow Love and Service,

Samantha, Faith

Ashburn Assembly 11

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