Snail Mail Buddy Challenge

Posted in Blog on July 10th, 2020 by Christi Reed

            When we received the news that many Rainbow events were to be closed and we were not allowed to meet personally, my heart sank. I was so sad that I couldn’t see all of my Rainbow sisters. This helped me to think of a way to talk to each other and be able to meet new girls across Virginia. I came up with the Snail Mail Buddy Challenge because I wanted girls to be able to keep in touch with one another, as well as, to get through quarantine in a very fun and engaging way. I was excited that so many people so many people from Virginia Rainbow girls and adults, as well as members from Demolay and Job’s Daughters wanted to participate! Everyone was so excited to mail cute and funny letters back and forth to one another and to keep in touch with their friends and new friends during quarantine! I am so happy that so many people enjoyed this challenge and I hope it continues!  I want to start a new challenge as soon as the new term begins on July 18th!

In Rainbow Love,

Kaitlyn, Norfolk #15

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Sarah’s Spirit Week: Month of April

Posted in Blog on July 9th, 2020 by Christi Reed

           For the month of April, Sarah from Norfolk Assembly #15 made a great idea to have a spirit month. To help occupy some of the time for our Rainbow family, Sarah wanted to make sure that people had fun getting dressed instead of staying in their pajamas all day long. Some of the spirit day examples included dressing in the colors of the rainbow, Gigi apparel week, which included topics from her grand term, and things to follow our current Worthy Advisor of Norfolk’s theme, Momma Mia! All of the Rainbow girls and adults had so much fun participating in this spirit month! It was a great way to keep us all engaged!

In Rainbow Love,

Kaitlyn, Norfolk #15

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Life in Quarantine

Posted in Blog on June 13th, 2020 by Christi Reed
How quarantine has been for me
On March 13, we received the news that school was now to be closed and we have to stay at home for the safety of ourselves and others. The citizens of Virginia have been under quarantine for over two months now and it has been very different for me. For starters, it has been very difficult getting used to learning and doing school work from home. It has made me miss all of my teachers and miss working in the classroom and engaging with other students. I also found it more difficult to study and prepare for my AP exams because I cannot have one on one together questions with my teachers. I really miss getting up every morning and going into school!
Things have also been different concerning Rainbow . For our safety, we are not allowed to hold meetings or other events that will cause us to have to come in contact with one another. I really do miss seeing all of my Rainbow  family! However, we have been able to host zoom meetings so we can still meet with our assemblies as well as attend other assembly meetings! So far, I have been able to attend almost all other assemblies across Virginia! It is so nice to see everyone and see how they have been coping with quarantine.
In order to get through quarantine, I have been doing many puzzles as well as getting outside and exercising. I try to go out as much as I can so I don’t have to stay inside my house all day! Overall, quarantine has been  something new to get used to but it is helping keep everyone safe and make sure that we continue to stay healthy.
Kaitlyn – Norfolk Assembly #15

Spirit Month

Posted in Blog on June 13th, 2020 by Christi Reed
In the month of April, I made a spirit week and it lasted for the whole month. The first week was colors of the rainbow. The second week was Mamma Mia based all around Norfolk’s current term. The third week was based on Gigi’s term and the Wizard of Oz. It was very fun and a lot of people participated in it. I appreciate everyone who participated.
Sarah – Norfolk Assembly #15
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