Clean the Bay Day

Posted in Blog on July 13th, 2018 by Webmaster

On Saturday June 2nd, Sara, Kensley, Rachal, and Libby attended the Clean the Bay Day. The advisor present was our Mother Advisor, Mom Julie. We joined girls from all over the state of Virginia to help pick up trash along the Chesapeake Bay. Sometimes it got a little hard because we were climbing on rocks to get all the trash picked up, but we had a lot of fun working together to clean up the land. Hampton is always so happy to serve and enjoy the company of the other assemblies, especially our northern friends we don’t get to see as often. 

In Rainbow Love & Service,

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My Favorite Memory

Posted in Blog on July 4th, 2018 by Webmaster

Rainbow gives you many opportunities to make long lasting memories, as well as long-lasting friends. Out of the many memories I can recall, I’d have to say my first time being apart of an Initiation has to be my favorite. It was a couple weeks after my own Initiation and I had learned the part of Nature. I was so nervous and all I remember was quickly rambling through the whole lecture. After I was done, I was so proud of myself and it made me want to learn to do more. Every time I learn a lecture, I remember my first and it makes me feel good about how far I’ve come!

In Rainbow Love & Service,
Manassas Assembly #13

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Clean the Bay 2018

Posted in Blog on July 1st, 2018 by Webmaster

On June 2nd, Katie, Sami, Gigi, Mom Robin and I piled into the Chevy Malibu and headed down to Hampton at 5:30 in the morning. We stopped along the way to get some yummy Wawa drinks to wake us up. Once we got to Hampton, all of Virginia Rainbow met up and got ready to pick up some trash! All of Rainbow was in the same spot around the edge of the Bay. We found lots of great trash items, for example:  a chair, a ring pop, some crabs, and so much more. It was so much fun to be with all of Virginia Rainbow at the beach and help the beach at the same time!

In Rainbow Love and Service, 
Manassas Assembly #13

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My Favorite Station: Nature

Posted in Blog on June 14th, 2018 by Webmaster

My favorite station is Nature, because I like nature, being outdoors, camping and hiking. My favorite color is yellow so there’s that too but Nature was the easiest station for me to learn. When I say Nature, I feel a connection of actually being outside. The warm sun shining on me, the birds singing, and the beautiful flowers. Taking a little time out of your day to be outside in nature can make you happy. It is the perfect place if you need a little time to talk to God and thank Him for the art of nature He has given us. 

In Rainbow Love & Service,
Jazmyn (Nature)
Manassas Assembly #13

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