Monitor Lodge Celebrates 150 Years

Posted in Blog on April 8th, 2016 by Webmaster

Monitor Lodge 150th AnniversaryOn March 26, 2016, Monitor Lodge had its 150th anniversary. In keeping with our Grand Worthy Advisor’s theme this year, I felt this was a very important article to share. The banquet was held at the Mariner’s Museum in none other than the section dedicated to the very ironclad the Lodge was named after. We got a chance before and after to walk through that section of the museum and learn some of its history.

When the banquet began, our State Rainbow Dad and the Worshipful Master of Monitor Lodge, Mr. Joseph Grist, told us some of the history of the Lodge. I very much enjoyed hearing this and learning something new that had seemingly nothing to do with Hampton Assembly but is just as much our history as it is theirs.

There were many presentations along with three community builder awards given out. Alexis and I sat with Job’s Daughters Miss Congeniality, Camran, and the Grand Master of Virginia and his wife, Mr and Mrs James Edward Litten. It was such an honor. They were very sweet and welcoming people. Though nervous at first, Alexis and I became very comfortable by the end of dinner.

There were many familiar along with so many unfamiliar faces. It was an honor to spend such an amazing occasion with such amazing people. We were so glad we got to support a group of Masons who have supported us so much throughout the years.

In Rainbow Love & Service,

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A Charge for the 2016 Masonic Year

Posted in Blog on November 8th, 2015 by Webmaster

by Joseph Grist, PM
2015-2016 State Rainbow Dad

The 237th Grand Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of Virginia, was held in Richmond, November 4th through 7th, 2015. Over 900 of Virginia’s more than 35,000 Master Masons attended Grand Lodge this year representing over 150 of the more than 300 Lodges of Virginia. There were numerous Assembly and Past State Rainbow Dads in attendance, and we can all say that our Grand Worthy Advisor, Rachel Cochrane, did an outstanding job with her speech to the Grand Lodge.

The outgoing Grand Master of Masons in Virginia, Most Worshipful Reese Edward Carroll Jr., provided our Masonic family a great motto to follow this past year: Together We Can Make a Difference. And we know that when you work together, there is nothing our Rainbow Girls cannot accomplish. Recently this was represented perfectly as Fairfax and Springfield Assemblies provided an excellent and moving program for the Grand Visitation of our Grand Worthy Advisor.

Now, as we move into our 238th Masonic year, we have a new Grand Master of Masons in Virginia, Most Worshipful James Edward Litten, and during his Installation he provided us a moving speech focusing on how we should be setting a good example through Freemasonry. This message was not directed just to the Freemasons, but to all of our Masonic Family; no matter the time of day or day of the week, no matter the place or setting, we should always strive to set a good example for others to follow.

Most Worshipful Litten made note of some interesting statistics during his Installation speech, but there is one I will paraphrase in closing. The average household spends over 7 hours a day watching TV. With the use of computers and smartphones and all of the Facebooking, Snapchatting, Instagramming, and Tweeting that is happening, a lot of time is being used to communicate things impersonally. What if we were to use just 7 hours of just one of those days doing something good for another (a Brother or Sister in Freemasonry), for the community, or for an organization. What a difference we would make if we all did this, and what a good example we would set.

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Fundraising and a Program

Posted in Blog on August 25th, 2015 by Casey Humphries

On August 13, 2015 the girls from Richmond Assembly #10 held a program for our Sponsoring Lodge, Metropolitan Lodge #11, at the Scottish Rite Temple.  We recited a lecture about the Pot of Gold, written by Mom Casey Humphries, very similar to the Charity initiation lecture.  The Lodge was happy to have us and congratulated us on our memorization and projection.  Our newest member Victoria was also given a prize for being the first one to memorize her program part.  Before the program, the men held a dinner and served us dinner as well.  We provided dessert with a donation-only bake sale.  Our Sponsoring Body is always so supportive and we were happy to teach them about the lessons of the Pot of Gold!

In Rainbow Love and Service,
Richmond Assembly #10

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Manassas Assembly Serves Dinner to the Masons

Posted in Blog on June 14th, 2014 by Webmaster

Manassas Assembly had a very nice time helping the Masons with their dinner.  We prepared and served them a delicious meal.   We even met a new prospect! 
It was very nice evening.

With Rainbow Love- Gig

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