Resource Library

Kevin McLaughlin Travel Fund Information

  • “This fund has been established in memory of, and at the request of, beloved Past State Rainbow Dad Kevin McLaughlin, who wished to provide assistance to all of his Virginia Rainbow daughters to be able to travel and visit other I.O.R.G. jurisdictions.”  Use the Application Forms below to apply for the Travel Fund.
  • Kevin McLaughlin Travel Fund Application Form

Forms for adults working within our Assemblies

Forms / Information for girls interested in and Members of Rainbow

  • Application for Membership  This form is for girls who want to become members of an Assembly.
  • Consent for Activity or Trip  Use this form to give permission for your Rainbow Girl to participate in a specific event or trip with her Assembly.
  • Dress Code – This is the dress code that Virginia Rainbow has adopted with the approval by the Supreme Deputy.  This tri-fold brochure is great for printing and handing out to new members.
  • Emergency and Medical Information Form  Use this form to provide the necessary emergency medical information for your Rainbow Girl.
  • Photo Release. This photo release is to be completed for all Virginia Rainbow Girls and Pledges in order to participate in any photo content.  This should be handed out to all new members and completed by their parent.  The Mother Advisor of their Assembly maintains it in their records.

Virginia Rainbow Scholarship and Award Application Information


Forms and information for Assemblies