Reception After Our Installation

Posted in Blog on August 6th, 2021 by Christi Reed

July 17, 2021, After Quantico Freedom Installation

After Quantico Freedom Assembly #6 held its installation of officers we headed downstairs for refreshments.  I was so happy that there were so many wonderful Indian food dishes from which to choose!  I think my favorite was the ice cream.  It was funny watching JoElla not be able to eat some of the food because it was “too spicy”.  I know that everything was not as spicy as it would normally be so I thought it was cute.  Akshita had a beautiful cake.  It was a great beginning to this new term.

Isabella C.

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July 17, 2021, Quantico-Freedom Installation

Posted in Blog on August 5th, 2021 by Christi Reed

On July 17, 2021, Quantico Freedom Assembly #6 held its installation of officers.  The meeting room was beautifully decorated with lots of lights and there were even water fountains to create a serene atmosphere!  These decorations helped support the theme of “Imagine, Innovate, and Include” by taking some hints from The Last Airbender with the elements of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.  Akshita was installed as the Worthy Advisor this term and she has two mascots, a Peacock and a Flying Sky Bison.  Akshita is very involved with Robotics and STEM, so she chose charities that fit perfectly with the educational priorities in her life to include Young Abilities and the Malala Fund.  I hear there are so many events planned for this coming term and I can’t wait to find out what they are!  Congratulations to all the newly installed officers.  I know this will be an exciting term.

Isabella C.

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Pennsylvania Grand Assembly July 10, 2021

Posted in Blog on August 4th, 2021 by Christi Reed

You would think that watching a Grand Assembly over Zoom would get to be boring, but I assure you the Saturday afternoon session was certainly entertaining.  Pennsylvania Rainbow put on a talent show for everyone to watch and I was so impressed!  One girl sang and she turned out to be better than the soloist for the main session!  The comments requested that she be next year’s soloist.  They had multiple dancers as well and I spent so many years dancing that I was pretty good at judging the talent.  There are so many talented Rainbow sisters in Pennsylvania that I will need to visit in person some day just so some of it rubs off onto me!  I must thank Pennsylvania Rainbow for allowing me to witness all the fun they have at Grand Assembly.

Isabella C.

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July 9, 2021, Pennsylvania Grand Assembly

Posted in Blog on August 3rd, 2021 by Christi Reed

I was able to attend the opening session of the Pennsylvania Grand Assembly this year through zoom.   Unfortunately, they were not able to accommodate out-of-state guests this year, but I could watch the sessions.  This year it was the “Spread the Sunshine” Session with Steffanie Barth as the GWA for 2020 – 2021.  The symbols for the year were sunflowers, suns, and bees.  The colors were blue, yellow, and white.  There were some interesting things that I saw this session which included in the flag tributes that specifically did a speech for the flag of Tennessee because it is the flag of the state for the Supreme Worthy Advisor.  I also found it interesting that they provide mentor awards for their adult workers to honor all that they do behind the scenes to make Rainbow girls look good.  It was a surprisingly short opening session, but there are two sessions yet to go, and I’m sure I missed some things since I only see the non-closed parts over zoom.  Looking forward to the Saturday sessions!

Isabella C.

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