Manassas and Quantico Grand Visitation- 3/5/22

On March 5th, 2022 Manassas Assembly and Quantico-Freedom Assembly held our Grand Visitation at Manasseh Lodge at 2 pm. We arrived early to practice our opening, closing, and skit. Lilli and Sam presided as the Worthy Advisors, and Manassas started the GV off by opening, sharing Introductions, and Quantico closed. I was asked to close the Assembly as Chaplain, one of my favorite parts! Following the closed session, the Assembly was opened for presentations, remarks from GWA Kaitlyn and Mom J, and of course the skit! We had a joint skit featuring a fun quartet of mice, with excellent casting and maximum entertainment value courtesy of JoElla. Grand Visitations are so fun, and I’m looking forward to what the rest of this Grand year has in store!



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