GWA at Fredericksburg

I was so happy to start off the month of August by attending the installation service of Fredericksburg Assembly #12 with Anna going in as the new Worthy Advisor! Her theme for this term centered around the anime show, Hunter x Hunter. The Assembly room was covered in many beautiful butterflies and props from the show! I personally really enjoyed the installation because their was a truly heartwarming service for the crowning, the gavel ceremony, and finding the mascots. Anna’s charity for this term is the National Parks Conservation Association. She chose this charity because of how much nature means to her and she wants to give back as much as she can and as an Assembly to make sure that our parks are clean and cared for. This Assembly truly represents what it is like to be a family and have support for everyone keeping in mind that the little details go a long way. Overall, I was so excited to be able to attend the installation and learn a little bit more about what Hunter x Hunter is about and the many lessons that they share. I am so excited to see Anna lead these next six months with leadership and grow as an Assembly all together!

In Rainbow Love and Service, 

Kaitlyn, GWA

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