Wednesday at Supreme

Supreme Assembly – August 1, 2018

Wednesday morning session was the official closing and then the installation of the new Supreme Officers.  I had to get up early to pack up my stuff in the room and after breakfast I headed over to the coliseum.  We got to see Mom J installed as the new Supreme Love and found out that the next Supreme will be in Reno, NV in 2020.  Once it was over we helped to take down stars and then we needed to get to the cars to load everything.

We had lunch at Chili’s in Hampton, VA and decided to stop off at Colonial Williamsburg after lunch and we toured it until it closed with Allison, Eliza, me, Mom Amy and Mom Louisa.  We had a good time and the three of us picked up matching friendship rings to remember our time.  After that we went to Yankee Candle to get caramel corn for the trip home.

I am looking forward to Reno 2020!

In RL&S,


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