Sleepover Fun

On Saturday, October 27th after the GV in Ashburn, Reagan,Sara , Kensley, and Lauren went to Manassas Lodge for their sleepover. We were the second people there so we claimed the good spots first…*spoiler alert* we didn’t sleep so there was no need for a spot. We made Christmas and Thanksgiving cards for the troops and MAHOVA residents. We then played sardines and Lauren had the best hiding spot ever because we couldn’t find her so we had to make her come out. She fit herself in a small box under a bag of shoes in the corner of a closet. For food, we ate spaghetti and pizza which was deliciously made by Mom Paula. We all got together and bonded for a little bit while the next activity was being set up, which was the hand scrub. This was my all time favorite. It was made with sugar and dish soap and it smelled so good and left your hands super soft. This is when everyone was winding down and getting tired but we powered through the last activity, which was ornaments that we designed ourselves. The girls went into the lodge to lay down and try to sleep but we just ended up talking until 2 am. The adults played cards until late too, I think only one of us got actual sleep. Then it came morning time when everyone was dreading getting up but Mom Paula changed that, she said who ever was last up and out of the room had to vacuum and everyone packed and ran out. Ella kindly offered to vacuum so none of us had to do it, which was so amazing. We had waffles for breakfast which were very good and I thank all the cooks, cleaners, drivers, and hosts for putting on this sleepover for us to enjoy. I also thank the girls for being so sweet and caring to  everyone and everything and I hope they had an amazing time like me. 

   With Rainbow Love And Service,


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