Rainbow Retreat

On Saturday September 29th, Sara, Kensley, Lauren, Reagan, Alex, Maddy, Eva, Bella, Amelia, and our prospect Audrey attended Rainbow Retreat 2018. On the Saturday of retreat, everyone woke up early for breakfast where Grand Page to the GWA, Sara, gave the meal prayer. After breakfast, all the girls broke up into small groups lead by Junior Grand Executive Board members as group leaders. There were ice breakers and small games for the groups to combine with each other to play. Then, everyone came together into a rainbow circle to introduce themselves and explain what rainbow means to them. After that, there was a poster competition where the winners got to get lunch first. Our Grand Worthy Advisor, Kensley, gave the lunch prayer. After lunch was a small break which a scavenger hunt to determine who would get s’mores first later that night. Then was the obstacle course with group leaders Grand Faith Lauren and Grand Recorder Sara. One of the favorite obstacles of the event was the blind makeup challenge where our GWA Kensley and our GWAA Gigi both got makeovers from a blindfolded girl. The winning team got to get dinner first.  Once the obstacle course was over, girls were invited down to a game of giant bowling and Pictionary. The dinner prayer was given by Grand Religion, Kate. After dinner, everyone got the opportunity to decorate shells that will be used for the next grand assembly. Finally, everyone made the trek up the mountain a bit to reach the s’mores that some of the dads had set up by a fire, and once s’mores were eaten, girls could head down the hill for a surprise dance party! After a day full of exciting events and delicious meals (thanks to all the dads who fed us all weekend!) the girls were all happy to crawl into bed for a good night’s sleep. With so many girls attending their first retreat, Hampton is excited to say that our girls are very pleased with the weekend and excited for more! 

In RL&S,


Hampton #2


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