Grandma Rainbow

Visiting Grandma Rainbow

On December 8th, Kensley, Mom Kim, and I made our annual visit to our adopted grandmother we call Grandma Rainbow. She is the sweetest lady and her husband, Grandpa Rainbow, love to support our organization and freemasonry in general. We always try to make it out to see them and put up their Christmas decorations. The adventure started when I was picked up. Kensley and mom Kim love to blast Christmas music in the car, especially when they know I’ve had to listen to it in repeat at work for hours on end. Once we arrived the two gave us a warm greeting. Everything was brought down from the attic by her son except the tree stand. I got a flashlight and went up into the attic looking for it. Once I was deep into the attic I heard a call from the living room, “Lauren, you can come down from there! It was down here all along!” After descending the ladder to the attic, we helped her learn how to use the voicemail on her phone. Then we began setting up the tree. There were new colorful bulbs this year and grandma told us stories while we worked. We even got to see a newspaper clipping of grandpa rainbow when he was young. It was an article to thank those who fought in World War II. Then we set up some decorations around the tree and left the rest out for grandma to decide what she wants to keep or donate. We chatted a while longer and she thanked us for everything we do. She got teary and gave us hugs. She’s truly like a grandmother to us. She’s a funny and caring lady who loves to love others. I feel blessed every time I get to see her and she reminds us how blessed she is to see us. We invited her to some functions coming up for the grand year and said our goodbyes. She waved at us as we drove off and we stopped for lunch to discuss rainbow road trips we wanted to take together. It was a great way to spend our Saturday!


With Rainbow Love and Service,

Lauren Ann

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