Ashburn Initiation

On Sunday December 2nd, Mom Kim, Kensley, Lauren, Sara and Reagan went to Ashburn to help with their Initiation. On the way up everyone was listening to Christmas music and got in the holiday spirit. Once we got to the lodge that we had never been before, Ella showed us to the bathroom so we could change. We had to walk down very twisty stairs to reach the bottom of the lodge. They were very scary but fun at the same time. We were warned that we had to be within two steps of the person in front to successfully stay upright. Before the initiation the pledges had their meeting and it was adorable. Then initiation began. Everyone did an amazing job and we’re so happy to have a new sister, Riley. They had very good food down stairs and we got presents for helping out which we are so thankful for. On our way home we all clustered together to sleep but it didn’t last long before mom Kim turned Christmas music back up. Lauren was half asleep and really wanted goldfish so we made her dance to the music to earn them. I had so much fun with my Rainbow sisters and advisors and can’t wait to watch Riley grow with everyone else. 

With Rainbow Love And Service,



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