Richmond’s Majority Night

On May 22nd Richmond Assembly held their 1st Annual Majority Night. Our Worthy Advisor made brownies and invited Majority Girls from the entire state to come and join us. During roll call the girls shared a story of a time when a Majority member made a difference in their lives, the articles that follow are these tributes and others that were written.

A majority member who has made a difference in my life isn’t exactly a “majority member,” although she has been adopted by VAMMA, and that is Pattie McLaughlin. Pattie was the board chairwoman when I became the Mother Advisor of Richmond Assembly and she helped me in so many ways learning how to be a board member. She answered all my Mother Advisor questions and even became a close personal friend. I would have never made it through my first year without her and even now I can go to her with anything inside or outside of Rainbow. I’m so grateful she is in my life.
Another Majority that I truly admire is Casey Humphries. When we met she was planning a wedding as well as attending Rainbow meetings and serving as the Recorder for the Assembly and the Advisory board. I remember seeing her walk in on those high heel shoes and seeing the confidence she portrayed. She was so helpful in helping me to get organized and was always there if I had a question or needed anything. Our relationship was mostly professional until the year I got to room with her at Grand Assembly. I really felt like we made a connection on a friend and sister level then. I am so thankful for her wisdom, her encouragement, and her place in my life!
In RL&S,
Mom Jackson 
Richmond #10
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