Rainbow Retreat 2016

The first Rainbow event I ever attended was the Rainbow Retreat in 2016.  Back then, I was a Prospect and I had only just learned about Rainbow. Isabella’s mom talked to my parents about it and they decided to sign me up for the Retreat only a week before the event! I remember that I rode with Joella there and rode back with Joella and my friend Denise, another Prospect. I met a bunch of people there, including Vanessa, Gigi, Libby, and Rachal. The event I remember the most clearly was the costume contest.   There were a lot of people and a lot of costumes, consisting of a skeleton, Nemo, Freddy Fazbear, a Vampire and many more.  I dressed up as an Owl, a costume I made myself for Odyssey of the Mind and I won Most Original (I’m pretty sure, I forgot the exact name) and I received a Harry Potter bracelet. Overall, the event was memorable, and the next year was just as amazing! I can’t wait for this year’s Retreat!

In Rainbow Love & Service,
Manassas Assembly #13

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