Our Radiant Rainbow Dads

All the time Rainbow Girls get recognized for going above and beyond, but most times we never pause to recognize our hardworking and supportive Rainbow Dads other than Installations or Grand Assembly.

I would like to take a moment to thank some of our outstanding Rainbow Dads from Manassas Assembly. Dad Bill Costis has protemed as our Outer Observer since Manassas Assembly was Constituted, always reminding our Girls to smile as we walk in for the Opening. He has made it his mission to verify everyone has signed in at every meeting, and never hesitates to help any way he can. Meetings wouldn’t be the same without his humor, smiles, and unwavering support. Although on a busy schedule he always makes time to attend our events. This year he’s been the adult liaison for our Adopt-a-Spot events getting Girls the supplies needed and making sure we have the proper adult supervision.

Our Assembly wouldn’t be the same without him.

In Rainbow Love & Service,
Manassas Assembly #13

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