Monitor Lodge Celebrates 150 Years
On March 26, 2016, Monitor Lodge had its 150th anniversary. In keeping with our Grand Worthy Advisor’s theme this year, I felt this was a very important article to share. The banquet was held at the Mariner’s Museum in none other than the section dedicated to the very ironclad the Lodge was named after. We got a chance before and after to walk through that section of the museum and learn some of its history.
When the banquet began, our State Rainbow Dad and the Worshipful Master of Monitor Lodge, Mr. Joseph Grist, told us some of the history of the Lodge. I very much enjoyed hearing this and learning something new that had seemingly nothing to do with Hampton Assembly but is just as much our history as it is theirs.
There were many presentations along with three community builder awards given out. Alexis and I sat with Job’s Daughters Miss Congeniality, Camran, and the Grand Master of Virginia and his wife, Mr and Mrs James Edward Litten. It was such an honor. They were very sweet and welcoming people. Though nervous at first, Alexis and I became very comfortable by the end of dinner.
There were many familiar along with so many unfamiliar faces. It was an honor to spend such an amazing occasion with such amazing people. We were so glad we got to support a group of Masons who have supported us so much throughout the years.
In Rainbow Love &Â Service,