Lodge Clean Up

Posted in Blog on July 12th, 2022 by Christi Reed

On Sunday, May 15th, the Manassas Lodge had a gardening of their front lawn. We first removed all the weeds with shovels and cut the overgrown bushes. Next, we threw away the weeds and replaced the dry dirt with fresh mulch. After that, we dug holes into the mulch to add new flowers then watered both the flowers and the mulch so that the plants around them could also grow. The temperature outside at the time was very hot and it was humid, so we needed to take water breaks occasionally. After we were done, the lawn looked very nice and welcoming.

Maribel – Manassas Assembly #13


Kings Dominion

Posted in Blog on July 12th, 2022 by Christi Reed

Last Saturday on May 28th we went to Kings Dominion. It was very eventful and fun, I know a lot of people enjoyed themselves. We even had people from other assemblies and people also came from DeMolay too! I always love it when the Rainbow Girls can get together and have fun. Personally, it was my first time and I’m so glad my first time going to Kings Dominion was with the Rainbow Girls!

Avery – Manassas Assembly #13


My Favorite Things-

Posted in Blog on July 12th, 2022 by Christi Reed

I have been in Rainbow for a little over 2 years now. Some of my favorite things about Rainbow Girls are, how much fun we have at events and in general. They are also serious when they need to be. They also do a lot of charitable things every term, which I love. They teach a lot of lessons in multiple ways too. They are overall amazing!

Avery – Manassas Assembly #13


Masonic Youth Night at George Washington Masonic Memorial – April 14th, 2022

Posted in Blog on July 12th, 2022 by Christi Reed

On April 14th, I was honored to represent the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls at the George Washington Masonic Memorial. I was so thankful to be able to be shown a little bit around the memorial before sitting down to a fantastic dinner and getting to talk with some of the Masons. After dinner, we all moved to the Lodge Room, where each youth representative was asked to speak. I discussed what it means to be a Rainbow Girl, how it shapes us, and the good we are able to do for our communities. I was so grateful to have been asked to speak, and hope I am able to visit the memorial again soon!

Allison – Manassas Assembly #13
