Colleen Kendall

Posted in Blog on February 24th, 2023 by Christi Reed

Miss Alaska Colleen Kendall- 9/4/22

                Colleen was born between 1937-1944 in Anchorage, Alaska. She is a famous rainbow girl in Alaska for being known as Miss Alaska in 1963 at the Alaska State Fair.  She was from Nugget Assembly #13 where she was the first Worthy Advisor of her assembly and the first grand officer during their first grand term. It’s unknown if she ever got married or had children. If she’s alive today she would between the ages of 78-85 years old today.

Going to South Carolina

Posted in Blog on July 30th, 2022 by Christi Reed

Hello there!  Today I will be telling you about South Carolina’s Grand Assembly.

I started off from my grandparents house driving to Richmond to pick up Noelle.  After we picked up Noelle, we drove another eight hours to South Carolina’s Grand. This year, South Carolina was having their Grand Assembly in Columbia. In the car, Noelle and I watched some shows and played some games.

When we finally arrived, we changed in the car and went straight to dinner at the Lodge. We had chicken wings and rolls for dinner.  After they were done serving dinner, the Grand Representatives went around the dinner room and showed off the arrows they made for the term. On the arrows were symbols and the name of their jurisdiction they were corresponding to. Afterward, Mom Dedra announced that they didn’t have enough new initiates to dump a bucket of ice on her head. However, there was still a lot of initiates, so she let some first line signers spray her all over with silly string. It was really funny.

After that, we went back to our hotel room. In the hotel room, we realized it’s not a grand assembly without a late night snack run. So me, Mom Christi, Kaitlyn, and Noelle drove to Walmart to pick up some snacks. We bought so many. That night, we played a game we bought and chilled.

The next day we woke up early to go to breakfast with my grandparents. After breakfast, there was not any sessions that we had to go to so we went to the zoo. At the zoo, we visited many animals such as lions, tigers, and rhinos. After our long adventure at the zoo, we went to the gift shop  where Noelle and I got matching necklaces. Our necklaces both had two baby turtles on them.

After the zoo, we headed back to the Lodge to eat lunch. After our delicious lunch, we headed down to the assembly room to get started on the first session.  The assembly room was kind of like a theater so you could see the stage from up above. One of the things that we did at the first session was initiation. After that session, we went to dinner and then went to another session.

After that long day, we went back to the hotel room and ate our mac & cheese and ramen. The next morning, we went to go eat breakfast and then went to a session. Next thing that we did was having lunch at the Lodge.  After lunch, we took a break in the hotel room, and we took some naps. Alyssa and I went over to the talent show what they were having, and Alyssa judged while I watched. I hung out with some other Virginia Rainbow girls and did the trivia that they included. After that, we got ready and headed to the banquet.

At the banquet, they did the same type of things that Virginia does in announcing the new officers.  However, in South Carolina you don’t apply for the office…. you just get awarded it. At the banquet, they had some delicious ham and mac & cheese, and they had one of the best cheesecakes I’ve ever had.

After finishing all of their work for the year we went to the hotel room and went to bed knowing there was a long day ahead tomorrow. The next day, most of the Virginia Rainbow girls left but Noelle and I stayed for the installation that was beautifully done. After the installation, we headed home knowing there were eight hours ahead. Overall, I can say South Carolina was a very fun Grand Assembly!

In Rainbow Love and Service,

Ella, Ashburn Assembly #11

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South Carolina Grand Representative

Posted in Blog on July 29th, 2022 by Webmaster

On July 14th through the 17th of 2022, I had the privilege of traveling to the state of South Carolina to attend their “Let’s Go Explore” Grand Assembly! This was a very exciting trip for me because I not only went as the Grand Representative to South Carolina, but I also went to support our sister state and see all those who I met back in 2016 when I first visited South Carolina. 

To start, the car ride up was a very enjoyable experience. I got to spend some quality time with just me and my mom! This was the first long trip that we were able to just ride together, and I had the best experience spending time with her! On the way, we even found a Bath and Body Works Outlet in Smithfield, North Carolina! Now that was exciting! As we continued our travels, mom and I even stopped at a Ross that was right by our hotel where she got beautiful new dresses and I got a new pair of the most beautiful rainbow ombre high heels! 

Following the Thursday night, I joined South Carolina in their arrow making showcase. The Grand Representatives of South Carolina were tasked with decorating arrows that described their states. I was so excited to see Virginia’s arrow! The arrow was decorated beautifully with the background being blue with a VA in the center in pink! The boarder of the arrow was surrounded by pennies, indicating the charity for the past term with even a paw print sticker at the base of the arrow! All the Grand Representatives did beautiful jobs on their arrows, but Virginia’s was by far my favorite!

The next day, we dove into the beginning of the sessions. But us Virginia girls had some time on our hands before the first session, so naturally, we explored the area! Dad Jenkins even found a local zoo! Ella, Noelle, and I had such a blast at the zoo, seeing all sorts of different animals and even getting the chance to feed parrots! It was very entertaining to see so many birds land on Mom Jenkins trying to get the nectar that we were feeding them! Ella even had two land on her head! It was such a funny sight!

Friday afternoon was the beginning of the sessions. The Grand Worthy Advisor, Sabrina, and her respective Grand Officers performed the initiation service doing their ritual work absolutely beautifully. They initiated three new girls into South Carolina Rainbow, and I couldn’t be more excited for them! That night, we dove into the second session of this Grand Assembly, where we got to hear remarks from South Carolina’s respective dignitaries. Each dignitary had an amazing speech and thoughtful message to leave for all of the Rainbow Community.

On Saturday morning, we had the final session for South Carolina. At this session, Lorkin and I were able to bring remarks on behalf of Virginia Rainbow as the Grand Worthy Advisor and the Grand Representative. During my remarks, I was able to surprise everyone with a fun little activity that Virginia Rainbow enjoys… the Funky Chicken! To fit with Sabrina’s theme, I told everyone that I wanted to see their dinosaur, and everyone impressed me with their dinosaur impressions! After all remarks were given, it was time to hear the announcement of the new Grand Worthy Advisor and Grand Worthy Associate Advisor. Bethany was elected to be the next Grand Worthy Advisor and Ashley was selected as the next Grand Worthy Associate Advisor for South Carolina. This is truly an exciting moment for all of South Carolina Rainbow and I cannot wait to see these girls grow as leaders!

On Saturday night we had the book of memories and the Grand Banquet. To start with the book of memories session, Sabrina gave her final message as South Carolina’s Grand Worthy Advisor and retired her crown during the book of memories. While her officers where signing, Sabrina gave each of them a grape soda pin to signify the movie “Up” reference of being an explorer. I thought it was such a cute idea! Following that session into the Grand Banquet, I had an enjoyable time talking with others that were seated at the head table alongside me. We had an enjoyable time playing games and solving puzzles while we waited to hear the announcements. When it came time to announce the new Grand Representatives, I was beyond excited to find out who my new counterpart would be! It turns out, my counterpart was one of the initiates that I presented the Rose Lecture too back in 2018 Supreme Assembly! My what a small world it is! I was so excited to meet my new counterpart and find out who the next Grand Officers of South Carolina were going to be! 

The installation service followed Sunday afternoon, but I was unfortunately not able to stay. Even though I couldn’t stay for the entirety of South Carolina’s Grand Assembly, I had the best time being with my Rainbow sisters and making more memories along the way! I cannot wait until the next time I am able to visit South Carolina!

In Rainbow Love and Service,

Kaitlyn, Grand Representative to New Jersey and South Carolina

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Ohio Grand Representative

Posted in Blog on July 19th, 2022 by Webmaster

During my yearly trip to Ohio to see extended family, I stopped by the Ohio and Indiana Grand Assemblies. The Ohio Grand assembly was held the first weekend of July. I stopped by on Friday July 1st to give remarks during their afternoon session and join them for their banquet dinner. Their Grand Worthy Advisor’s name was Micaela Leach. During their afternoon session, I saw their Grand Rep Parade, where each Grand Rep wore a costume designed to represent their jurisdiction. I also saw their Grand Officer Elections and Appointments. All line offices must be run for, not just Grand Worthy Associate Advisor like in Virginia. Three delegates from each assembly vote beforehand. Once it comes time to announce the winners, all the girls running walk up to the east and introduce themselves. The winner of the election then sits up in the east. This year, all the girls ran unopposed.

In Ohio, there are so many assemblies that they are grouped into districts – I believe they have 13 districts and 29 Assemblies, according to the map displayed during the Grand Worthy Advisor’s Travel Report. Micaela’s theme was Travel. She decorated the assembly room with airplanes, hot air balloons, and bikes. Her Travel Report was very impressive, she visited 21 assemblies, 11 districts, did 8 out of state visits, and in total made over 100 different visits. She traveled a total of 18,512 miles.

After that I ate at the grand banquet where we had build-your-own tacos. While I was eating, I met the Grand Charity of Michigan and the Grand Worthy Associate Advisor of Michigan. They invited me to their Grand Worthy Advisor Reception on August 27th which I will not be able to attend. I also heard remarks from the Grand Rep to Ohio from Indiana, who invited me to their Grand assembly on the 8th.

            I was able to make it to the Afternoon session and Grand Banquet for the Indiana Grand assembly, where I got the contact information for the new Grand Reps to Virginia and passed it along to Virginia’s Grand Rep to Indiana. Their Grand Worthy Advisor’s theme was STEM and her mascots were dinosaurs. The assembly room was decorated with beakers and dinosaur plushies.

Lois C., Hampton Assembly

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