Norfolk Assembly is Defying Gravity in 2025!
Posted in Blog on January 5th, 2025 by Joseph GristOn Saturday, January 4th at South Norfolk Masonic Lodge in Chesapeake, the ladies of Norfolk Assembly No. 15 held their Installation of Officers for the ensuing term, surrounded by a packed house of family, friends, and numerous members and leaders of our Masonic sponsoring and appendant bodies. Norfolk Assembly No. 15 is defying gravity as it has seen the highest percentage of growth of any IORG Assembly in Virginia during 2024, an outstanding 60% increase in regular membership, and the establishment of a strong and growing pledge program that represents the future of the Assembly! This term, the ladies will be supporting the Amaranth Diabetes Association (,. Under the leadership of Worthy Advisor Becca, we know the Assembly is going to fly this upcoming term!