Manassas Happenings 2023-2024
This is my first year doing a competition and I’m doing my age group. For my age group, I’m practicing Charity Initiation, and since I am already the Charity officer, I decided this would be a good year to try. There’s so much that goes into not only a competition, but also an Initiation. Whenever I’m practicing my memorization for Rainbow, I always start by marking each part I speak or do an action. Then, I read out loud the entire piece, looking at all of the areas I think are going to be more challenging. After that, I start memorizing in chunks adding on to what I know each time. I practice every night before bed which I think really helps with consistency and getting words right. Even though it is a lot of work, I am loving competitions so far.
Manassas Assembly #13
Rainbow has helped me in so many ways but one main skill it has helped me with is Leadership. Leadership is a lifetime of a skill and an advantage to have in many situations. When I’m in a group project at school, I usually volunteer to be the group leader because I feel confident in that area. Being able to delegate is also very helpful when being a leader as it helps reduce the workload of a single person to be distributed among all group members. When I oversee a rainbow event, I often check in with many people throughout the planning of the event and help out as needed. Leadership is something I use in everyday with school, fun activities, and of course, Rainbow.
Manassas Assembly #13
Recently I had a birthday party where I invited many of my Rainbow sisters, some even from other assemblies. I find that my Rainbow sisters make great friends because they are always caring and there for me when I need them and we support each other. Although I don’t go to school with many of my Rainbow sisters, many of my Rainbow sisters are some of my best friends because I also spend time with them. It was a nice reminder of all the friends I make from meeting other Rainbow girls.
Manassas Assembly #13
I am running for Faith. And the reason I want to be Faith is because I know how important it is to the girls that are being initiated. I also know that a part of going into Faith means that you are going in to the line of becoming Worthy Advisor. I feel that Worthy Advisor and Faith are two of the most important stations, because not only is it important for the assembly, but also the girls. I hope that just stepping into the line alone is a big step but I feel like becoming Faith will help other girls that are wanting to become Faith to will not only inspire them, but also help show them that it can be fun, too.
Manassas Assembly #13
On Friday the 16th we had a movie and game night. It was really well attended. We had a fun bracelet making kit which we worked on while watching Tinkerbell. We ended the night with lots of snacks and playing sardines. It was a very exciting event and I look forward to the one in June.
Manassas Assembly #13
On Friday, February 2nd, Darcy, Kassidy, and I worked the District Deputy Visit for the Manasseh Lodge meeting. Mom Darcy and Dad Clancy cooked an amazing meal of chicken, mashed potatoes, vegetables, rolls, and salad. It was a great dinner and it was great to see Dad Paul L. during his District Deputy visit.
Manassas Assembly #13
My name is Kassidy, and I am Worthy Advisor of Manassas Assembly #13. This has been my dream ever since I was a Pledge. When I was Initiated into Rainbow my dream started to unfold right in front of me. Planning my term has been one of the most challenging things I’ve ever had to do. I can’t describe how hard I worked for this term.
My theme is Discover the Sisterhood of Rainbow with the broad idea being Tinkerbell: Secret of the Wings. My motto is “There is no better friend than your Rainbow sisters.” My explanation of why I picked this as my motto might be a little hard to understand if you have not seen the movie. There are a lot of similarities between the Tinkerbell movies and in Rainbow. One of the fairies, Fawn, helps squirrels cross the winter border for the change in the season, so my Mascot is a Squirrel. My colors are Orchid Purple, Autumn Brown, Summer Green, and Snow White to symbolize the seasons.
My symbols are acorns, leaves and lost things. My flowers are purple orchids and white daffodils. My Song is The Great Divide by the McLaine Sisters. My Bible verse is Genesis 3:1-24 and my honor stations are Faith and Immortality. For my Service project, we will be collecting animal supplies for Prince William County Animal Shelter.
My Charity is the Epilepsy Foundation. I picked the Epilepsy Foundation for bringing awareness to this neurological disorder and for one of my best friends who has struggled with Epilepsy his whole life. The Epilepsy Foundation wants to help by showing people with this neurological disorder to lead the fight, to overcome the challenges of living with Epilepsy and to accelerate therapies to stop seizures. They also want to find cures and save lives. Their data indicate that 10% of Americans will suffer a seizure at some point in their lives; 1-2% will have Epilepsy. Epilepsy is characterized by re-occurring unprovoked seizures and affects 3.4 million Americans. At least 50% of the total population of individuals with Epilepsy will have started having seizures at less than 20 years of age. My friend, Andrew, is only 14 and has Epilepsy. From my perspective of Epilepsy, I know the dangers and a handful of situations that could be life-threatening. From my knowledge, they don’t just deal with seizures. Andrew not only fights with his Epilepsy but also has OCD and the Anxiety that’s caused by his Epilepsy.
During my term I want us to sit and think about the wonderful friendships we have made and the wonderful time we have as rainbow sisters. Since there’s a difficult journey ahead of us, to go off to Never Never Land, through Pixie Hollow and over the rainbow to discover the Sisterhood of Rainbow.
Manassas Assembly #13
We attended Wreaths Across America! I loved seeing all the girls who attended and the different youth groups. There was a short ceremony done by the pastor of the church nearby. Then we all laid the Armed Services wreaths, and then the regular wreaths. It was a little sad when I saw some people who died so young but after looking at a short description of their life, it was interesting and joyful to see that they had an eventful and happy life. After laying the wreath we all went to the church to have hot cocoa or tea. It was an amazing event, and a lovely way to spend a Saturday morning.
Manassas Assembly #13
This past term for Rainbow with Elina’s term has been good for me and the Assembly. As an assembly, we had bonding opportunities with events like sleepovers, the Christmas parties, and movie nights. There has also been a considerable amount of dinners to support our lodge and increase working participation. My favorite aspect of this term was the sense of sisterhood with fun events and new girls being initiated into our wonderful group. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend many events, as I am still adjusting to the workload and schedule differences that come with college. I wish the best for the next term, and am very excited about the events we will have and getting familiar with the new initiates.
Manassas Assembly #13
On October 24th, we had our second meeting of the month. It’s always so nice to see everyone together. We talked about our plans for Halloween and our costume designs!
Manassas Assembly #13
On October 28th, we had a sleepover at the lodge following our movie night! We had many girls and a prospect! We had so much fun playing games like spoons and sardines while eating snacks!!
Manassas Assembly #13
On October 28th, our lodge held the annual Trunk or Treat! It was no fun seeing everyone’s cars all decorated with scary skeletons and lights. The costumes were amazing, especially the Grim Reaper and Elton John!
Manassas Assembly #13
We went to the pumpkin patch at Yankee Farms. Our pledges also came and we were so happy to see them! We had a lot of fun going on a cow ride, hay ride and in the corn maze followed by some pumpkin picking.
Manassas Assembly #13
At our October 24th meeting, we had a discussion about the meaning of Nature’s lecture led by “Aunt” Katie. Everyone picked their favorite part and we talked about what they mean to our lives. I love being able to dive in deeper to the meanings of each bow lecture.
Manassas Assembly #13
At out October 10th meeting, we had a discussion about the meaning of Religion’s lecture. We all looked in the lecture and picked the part of line that stood out the most to us. It’s nice to remind ourselves of how even when we may feel lonely we always have God beside us.
Manassas Assembly #13
On October 28th, we had a movie night at the lodge. We watched a scary movie together and played some card games. It was a lot of fun and everyone had an amazing time!
Manassas Assembly #13
On Sunday, December 17, 2023 Alyssa hosted the grand virtual holiday party through zoom. We had a good turn out around 23 people and played many fun games. Some of the games included Word searches, Word scrambles, and creating tree games. There is also a short lesson about different holiday’s history. I left early, but enjoyed the time I did have and love that when we introduced ourselves noticing how many girls were from other states or jurisdictions.
Manassas Assembly #13
On Tuesday December 12th, Tiphanie and Eve were initiated during our meeting. I was sister of Hope and really enjoyed my station because I felt it connected well with the girls and provided them with a lot of the assembly. I also like being the sister of Hope because of the lecture it describes to the new sisters. I feel that when it states that hope is always with you and will never leave your side resonated with me.
Manassas Assembly #13
I really love initiations and attending initiations because it allows me to instantly feel like I have a new friend in the assembly and in my life. Initiations are really special to me because they only happen once in your life, and it is a very special moment for many girls who remember it. I enjoy when initiations occur because it keeps my memorization skills sharp and it feels as if I am getting to know the girl and welcoming the girl to the assembly by telling her how Hope is always with her and we continue to be with her throughout every trial and temptation.
Manassas Assembly #13
On Saturday, December 16, 2023 I attended the Wreaths Across America event. It was originally stated that it would begin at eight, but was changed to noon. Once we all got there, we realized that we had the wrong time. It was a fun event because it made us all laugh on how we all make mistakes sometimes and we can learn from them. I feel my sister really grew as a person while being in charge of this event and adapting to the changes in the moment. Since we had a couple of hours before the event started after we all gathered, Eve and her dad along with my sister, dad and I all went out to eat at a buffet in Manassas then picked up Layla and headed to the event.
Manassas Assembly #13
Manassas assembly has been very busy with dinners throughout the term. Girls have helped with various bodies between our own lodge as well as Mt. Carmel lodge. We love getting to help our moms with dinner whether it be with sandwiches or a family recipe. Being active with two lodges also benefits us for new potential prospects.
Manassas Assembly #13
Grand Assembly
Grand Assembly is one of my favorite times of the year. Being able to gather with other girls throughout the state and other jurisdictions always involves making fun memories that will last a lifetime. It is boring at times with the long sessions but seeing the girls show off their ritual, the marches, and the cavalcade of flags that were worked on all year long makes it worth it!
Manassas Assembly #13
Rainbow Lectures
During this term Manassas Assembly has opened our rituals and talked out to better understand the different lectures that we hear during every initiation. Ms. Katie has kindly been our leader guiding us through the seven lectures in our bow. Next, we plan on going over the charity lecture. During this time, it has built a better bond in our assembly as we understand that these lessons play an impact in our everyday living.
Manassas Assembly #13
Throughout the last couple of terms Manassas Assembly has been holding adopt-a-spot clean ups at least twice a term. This was continued after one Grand Worthy Advisor had us start this service project. The girls love to get outside and get some steps in while helping keep the roads tidy. The things we find on our route seem to get better every time we clean up!
Manassas Assembly #13
Walk Under the Star
This term we are stomping out bullying by completing a 5K. The girls will gather from around the state to walk/run while seeing Christmas lights. If girls are unable to meet up in person, they are strongly encouraged to sign-up and do it with friends and family on their own! This event will continue until January in hopes to raise money for our charity.
Manassas Assembly #13
Manassas Christmas Party
Manassas Assembly has a joint Christmas party with our DeMolay brothers in Prince William Chapter. It is great way to build a bond with the other youth and what better way than over a white elephant gift exchange. This year we are starting a new celebration where each past worthy advisor of our assembly will put an ornament on the tree. This ornament is supposed to represent their term. This is a tradition we will look forward to doing every Christmas party!
Manassas Assembly #13
On 12/15 we had our Christmas party. First we made gingerbread houses and decorated them. Then we had pizza and a bunch of other snacks and doughnuts. After everyone ate we did a white elephant gift exchange. And it got heated at some parts but I think everyone had a really good time and it was really fun.
Manassas Assembly #13
On 12/16 we did Wreaths Across America. We put a wreath down for a fallen soldier. Each of the girls placed a wreath for someone who has passed away. After we left laid the wreaths the church had hot chocolate. So after we drank hot cocoa and talked.
Manassas Assembly #13
On 12/12 we had Initiation. We were initiating Eve and Tiphanie. It was very fun at the end we ate cupcakes and cookies. Then we had the girls open there presents and name their opossum stuffed animals in 10 seconds. Eve’s opossum was Bing Bong Meatball and Tiphanie’s was I Don’t Know! It was a very fun initiation!
Manassas Assembly #13
Hungry Hungry Hippos…Live Action!
On Sunday November 5th, Virginia rainbow held their hungry hungry hippos scholarship event! This event was SO much fun, getting to steer your partner around on a little cart is definitely an eventful way to spend my day haha. It was also very competitive and made everything even more exciting! I would love to say I got 2nd place overall I can’t wait until the next one!! Hope this can become a tradition.
In Rainbow love & service, –Samantha M, Manassas Assembly #13
Vertical Rock
On Sunday November 19th Manassas Assembly went rock climbing! We had a bunch of girls and even some DeMolay joined us! We had so much fun climbing, and lucky enough, myself and the DeMolay had our belay certification so we were able to belay everyone who wanted to climb, and in the meantime everyone went on the auto-belays. Everybody had a great time, I recommend 100%!!
In Rainbow love & service, –Samantha M, Manassas Assembly #13
This term I’ve encountered a new challenge in my rainbow life! Planning events completely virtually! One of the events I was asked to plan is a trip to Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament!
Luckily this is not the type of event where I would need to reserve a venue, plan decor, etc. With this type of event, it’s a matter of advertising a trip and buying tickets! That comes with it own challenges, but it’s definitely a great option for those who have to plan from a distance! For this event, I reached out to Prince William DeMolay, asking if they’d like to make this a joint event! Manassas Assembly loves working with our local DeMolay Chapter so it was a great opportunity! I met with a brother named JJ, and over a FaceTime call we mapped out a rough plan for this event, including timelines for reservations, essential report information, and pricing! Since then we’ve been checking in every once in a while to see who has signed up for the event, how meeting reports have been going, and the next step in the process.
Currently, the event is at the point where everything has been planned, and the next step is to purchase tickets and make sure everyone has all of the details for the day of the event! For this, an all-inclusive email is an event planners best friend! We sent out a confirmation email to everyone who signed up detailing everything they’d need to know! Medieval Times is about an hour drive, give it take traffic etc, so it was important to get this information out as soon as possible so people can plan ahead of time!
Since I am not going to be able to attend the event, it’s essential to have support from fellow Masonic Family. Mom Erika was a huge help coordinating ticket purchases and making sure everyone will have their seat reserved! I also was able to send in reports to the Worthy Advisor, Elina, who was able to share the information to assembly members!
With the help of Masonic family, it was fantastic to be able to contribute to the memories of this term, as I’m sure folks will have a fantastic experience at Medieval Times!
~Allison S.
Manassas Assembly #13
While at college, I am training to become a Stage and Production Manager in the entertainment industry! I’ve found that a lot of the skills necessary in this field are also things that can be found in Rainbow! Because although we learn so much through ritual, we also learn so much through planning events, public speaking, coordinating schedules, talking to people, and getting to know the world around us!
As a Stage or Production Manager, one of our largest outputs is paperwork. So part of what we’ve been learning is is the art of good paperwork! It’s important for things to be easy to read, flow in a comprehensive way, and not be too complex nor too simple. Although there’s always more to be learned, I noticed that I already had some practice with this! When planning a term as Worthy Advisor, you are responsible for creating a lot of paperwork! Things such as Term Calendars, Programs, Event Sheets, and SO MANY EMAILS! And the longer you are involved in the process, the more you learn about what does and doesn’t work!
Managers also have to have decent emotional intelligence. While this is not an intentional lesson from Rainbow…. Any organization made up of teenage girls is going to teach members about emotions and the different ways of handling them. Celebrating when things go well and comforting people during unfortunate situations. Learning the dynamics of power in an organizational structure, as well as how to communicate with adults and those with more experience. Young girls learn from their peers, who in rainbow, include older girls who can impart wisdom.
Communication is key in any production- and there is PLENTY of practice with that in rainbow! Between the texts, emails, Facebook groups, and Assembly group chats, girls are taught the various ways to get in touch with people, and the different ways of communicating through different mediums!
But the most parallel example is event planning, which is almost a culmination of all the skills! Though in my job, the event I’m planning is a performance! Whether it’s budgeting, a calendar, a contact sheet, or any other form of planning, the two situations are so similar!
While I’m still learning about all the different parts of this job, there’s no doubt in my mind that Rainbow has given me a way to practice these skills, even when I didn’t know it yet!
~Allison S
Manassas Assembly #13
On November 12th, me and a few other girls went to go pick up trash on our road. We found a lot of trash. We found a car mat. I don’t understand why people litter, but I was glad I got to help the environment. Afterward we got hot cocoa and Slurpees.
Manassas Assembly #13
Ice Skating
On November 12 from 1:10 to 1:40 PM I went ice-skating at Prince William Ice Center. It was a lot of fun. I fell only twice, but I kept running into the wall. I can’t wait to go again!
Manassas Assembly #13
On October 3rd Elina and I worked a dinner at Mt. Carmel Lodge in Warrenton. We had chicken salad on croissants with chips. It was very delicious and Mom Jen did a great job cooking!
Manassas Assembly #13
On October 7th we attended the Corn Maze Grand Event. From our Assembly Alyssa and I attended along with Mom Amy and Mom Nancy. We had a great time and I hope we get to go again!
Manassas Assembly #13
On October 7th Alyssa, Lois, and I embarked on an adventure into the flashlight corn maze. We spend 3 1/2 hours searching for 21 stations! We even made friends with a different group we dubbed our “buenos díaz” group. It was so much fun and I hope we go again next year.
Manassas Assembly #13
On September 12, at our stated meeting, Dad Joe M. talked to us about the meaning and difference of an oath and an obligation. He asked us questions about what those words meant to us and the severity of each. Dad Joe then shared his experience with oaths and obligations. He ended with an introduction to the discussions we plan to continue led by Katie about our officer stations.
Manassas Assembly #13
On September 26, at our stated meeting, “Aunt” Katie led a discussion on the station of Love. We conversed about what this lecture meant to us and how we can utilize this lesson every day. Katie then told us about what stood out to her and we discussed those lines.
Manassas Assembly #13
On October 10, at our stated meeting, “Aunt” Katie hosted a discussion about the station of Religion. We talked about the parts of the lecture that stood out to us and what we felt it meant. Katie then told us about her thoughts on the lecture and had a discussion with those points. These discussions are always interesting and I’m glad we are doing them.
Manassas Assembly #13
The movie night and sleepover to follow was on October 28th and we had many girls there! Elina, Eliza, Emily, Stella, Layla, Eve, Ella, and myself attended. We played a fun game with hiding around the lodge and laughing with each other while eating Halloween candy. It was a very successful event and a joy to be there!
Manassas Assembly #13
North Carolinas GV/ weekend in NC with Rainbow sisters.
My weekend started at 5:45 on Friday morning. Even though I went to school All I could think about was seeing my Rainbow family. After the school day was over and I got home I got the rest of my stuff packed and got in the car on my to aunt Janae’s house. Ones I got there I was greeted by Gioja May. From their house we went to meet up with Kiele. Once we got Kiele and a couple of snacks for the road we drove down to North Carolina. We left about 5, 6 and made it to the hotel by midnight. On Saturday morning we got to go to see Maddie and our North Carolina rainbow sisters at their GV. It was a beautiful day and beautiful GV. Their Ritual and floor work was so graceful and well said. It really shows all the hard work they put in to memorize it. As for not only that but making us feel so welcome and loved by our North Carolina rainbow sisters. I even ran into one of my sisters from Florida rainbow who I met over a year ago and completely forgot she moved to North Carolina and when we saw each other we or I was so excited and ran to her and hug her. Another friend or sister I met is Dani and I met her at South Carolina grand assembly.
After the GV we all drove to Maddie’s house and they were so catering and caring for us and made us feel so unbelievably welcome. We had so many funny moments and laughs and giggles. As soon as I got out side Natalie picked me up and then we both fall and my back hit the grass I we both laughed so hard I couldn’t stop laughing, when me, gioja and Gracie both got hit by a ball in my face by Ella but each time she came running or rushing over to make sure we were OK and also apologize like 1000 times, and including a couple tears we had too. I remember from the GV when the supreme worthy adviser gave her remarks and she say that she sooo extremely appreciated and grateful for us and her girls. “Rainbow is about love and service, But not just that I am going through hard time rn and all the girls a parent’s and gave me like a warm hug and comfort. U girls are my family everyone here is and ur my rock. That’s what rainbow is about and I started tearing because it’s true so true. As I told Natalie about my parents she was so comforting and understanding and caring. After Ella saw us and me sad she immediately came and joined and hugged me. Even Gioja was right there with me. I teared out of joy and comfort. I felt so loved
and cared for. All my rainbow sisters are my rock
. I can’t wait for my term and to be able to grow new friendships and the sisterhood of rainbow together with my rainbow family.
Manassas Assembly #13
Georgia Grand Assembly
Thursday afternoon after I got home from school I went straight up stairs to get the rest of my stuff packed for Georgia grand assembly. We hit the road and left about 12PM. We made it to Georgia’s grand at 2:17 with some stops along the way.
Friday morning I woke up naturally at 6:45 and got ready for practice. I was all ready and super excited to see Emilee Baisden!! Since emilee was at practice a girl from savannah assembly #1 came to our room and walked us to the practice. The attire was casual church dress.
Not long after the practice began the first session everything is possible at 4:00pm. They started the session with an unbelievable And stunning initiation of 6 new members. Shortly afterwards I got to participate In the cavalcade of flags proudly representing Virginia’s flag and even got to join in and be part of the Rainbow Flag Drill Team with Savannah assembly #1.
The Introduction of distinguished guests! I got formally introduced with the grand reps in Georgia. The Special project presentation what announces, successfully they raised 17,915.41 for Burt’s big adventures! Lastly the Benediction was given by Miss Avery Fischer, grand charity- grand assembly big sister from savannah assembly #1. The session Everything is Possible end around 11:00pm.
After a great start to the week of grand we went in the hotel room, play games and ate pizza! I even got meet a Moose named sea-more. Then the night end at 1:00am and more than ready for tomorrow.
Manassas Assembly #13
My favorite aspect of this organization is the sisterhood and the teamwork that goes alongside that. This group is meant for relationships between our peers, and the experience and work we share build each other up and prepare us for more responsibilities. The help that we give each other because we a group members is much appreciated. It almost feels like a student led group, but with a focus on community service and leadership. It makes me feel fulfilled when I hang out with girls for leisure events and the strong work ethic I see in service projects. Whenever there is a new term, each girl plays their part whether it be events or initiation parts. This trait makes this assembly feel alive and I hope for more participation in the future.
Manassas Assembly #13
November 14 meeting
Today I finally got out of my busy schedule. And was finally able to see all the girls again! Everybody was so supportive during my barrel racing season. I wanted to thank all the girls for their support, patience, and kindness. I missed y’all and look forward to being back regularly!
Manassas Assembly #13
My favorite station I have had as a Rainbow Girl was Charity. Although the station of Worthy Advisor gave me freedom of what to choose for the theme and events of the term, Charity gave me the valuable lessons of independence and generosity. I have become more helpful to those in need, even if I don’t know them. Charitable acts have not only helped my local community, but they give me a sense of accomplishment. I love how our organization strives to donate and actively support those who are vulnerable or need a helping hand because it can be easy to get lost in our own wants and needs that we forget about other people. Charity was also the station in which I became more accountable to my responsibilities and learned how to prepare for higher stations. This station will always have a place in my heart for how it has improved me as a person, and I wish others can find the same joy in it as I did.
Manassas Assembly #13
Movie night
On September 22 we had a Harry Potter movie night! The girls that attended were Emily, Sam, Stella, Catalina, Layla, Darcy, Kassidy, and myself, as well as Ella, some prospects. We watched the rest of the second movie and half of the third. It was a lot of fun talking and hanging out with cozy, blankets, snacks, and enjoying a fun movie!
~ Elina
Manassas Assembly #13
As Rainbow Girls, when we were initiated, we made an obligation to our assembly and our community. We had a discussion on September 22nd about an obligation. My big take away was the importance of service your fellow Rainbow Girls!
~ Elina
Manassas Assembly #13
On September 16 I helped work the Car show at the lodge. We helped serve food and sell tickets for some great concessions. We had a great time selling food and looking at all the vintage classic cars.
~ Eliza
Manassas Assembly #13
On September 24 Sam, Emily, Layla, Kassidy, Darcy, and I worked the Kena Krab Feast at the Kena Temple. We spent a few hours taking crabs to tables, clearing off trash, and helping attendees. Afterwards the girls all sat down and enjoyed some crab together. We had a great time and can’t wait to do it again next year.
~ Eliza
Manassas Assembly #13
On September 26 at our regular stated meeting we discussed the station of Love. We all reread the lecture and discussed with the girl next to us the meaning and any specific sections worth noting. Mom Katie helped lead our discussion and reminded us to look over the lecture of Religion for our next meeting.
~ Eliza
Manassas Assembly #13
On August 12 Allison, Elina, Sami, and I, along with Mom Katie attended the county fair. We were also joined by Preston, Austin, and Kai. We had a great night of walking around, eating food, and watching the demolition derby. This event is always so fun to attend and I can’t wait for next year to do it again!
~ Eliza
Manassas Assembly #13
On August 13 we had a paint night at the lodge led by Allison. We were painting a beautiful forest scene with many trees. I personally took a fun spin on the painting by using red instead of blue for my canvas. Paint nights are always a great time and I look forward to the next one.
~ Eliza
Manassas Assembly #13
The meeting on the 26th of September was very fun, everyone was very helpful and enthusiastic. Also, Mom Katie did a short lecture on the station of love that was very thoughtful. So that is how last meeting went.
~ Stella
Manassas Assembly #13
Movie night was on the Friday the 22nd. We watched the rest of the 2nd Harry Potter movie and half of the 3rd. It was very fun and we also had snacks and drinks.
~ Stella
Manassas Assembly #13
On September 12th Manassas Assembly had a meeting. We talked about what an obligation means. We ate snacks afterwards.
~ Darcy
Manassas Assembly #13
On Friday, September 1st, the assembly held a monthly lodge dinner for the Masons. Me and Eliza were working to set out plates, set up tables, serve dinner, and cleaning any dishes after. Dad Wyatt cooked and he made three different chilis, with salad and corn bread for sides. The desert was brought by Dad Joe and it was a variety of pies with whipped cream. The event went well with a good amount of people attending and I hope to serve in future events for this term.
~ Maribel
Manassas Assembly #13
On Sunday, July 23 Manassas assembly had their installation. The large room was decorated with Harry Potter theme colors. The lobby had Harry Potter letters hanging from the ceiling. Elina got installed is worthy advisor, and everyone had tacos at the end.
~ Darcy
Manassas Assembly #13
The installation for Elina’s term was on Sunday, 23 July. It was very fun because Elina is my big sister. Also, it was very excited because I got installed into love. I have been into other color stations in the entire time I have been here.
~ Stella
Manassas Assembly #13
On Tuesday, July 25, Manassas assembly had its first meeting for Elinas term. We discussed some of the most recent upcoming events, such as the aspera installation, paint, night, and a movie night with a sleepover. I pretend as faith, which was the first time in months that I recited my parts and did the appropriate foot work. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, August 8.
Manassas Assembly #13
On July 25 Manassas assembly number 13 had our first meeting of the term everyone did really good with their part/rituals. At the end of the meeting, we had cupcakes.
~ Darcy
Manassas Assembly #13
On July 23, 2023 Manassas assembly held the installation of officers Elina Jones went in as were the advisor with the Harry Potter theme. It was a beautiful installation.
~ Eliza
Manassas Assembly #13
On July 23, 2023. I presided over the Manassas Assembly installation as installing officer I got to Crown my best friend Elina Jones she did an amazing job and I can’t wait to see her turn.
~ Eliza
Manassas Assembly #13
On July 23 we have our first meeting of the new time the girls in attendance were Eliza, Allison, Stella, Catalina, Sam, Emily, Leylah, Maribel Darcy, with Ella, Grace, joys may from other from other assemblies. The meeting went great and we enjoyed refreshments after.
~ Elina
Manassas Assembly #13
This past weekend in Manassas held it’s installation of officers. Or were the advisor Elena J. Chose a theme of Harry Potter. She explained some of her own reasoning in her speech, but me, Harry Potter, and Rainbow , both teachers about the power of love and friendship. The students at Hogwarts regularly presented with difficult challenges, but they ALWAYS pull through with the help of fellow students you always have each other’s backs. This is exactly what are rainbow sisters and Masonic family does for each other’s. I can always count on my way sonic families for anything. I’m so very lucky to have them.
~ Allison
Manassas Assembly #13
Grand assembly this year was June 23, 24th and 25th. We stayed at the same hotel as last year of near James Madison University. We could check into a hotel rooms and take everything up around four. We arrived on Friday and I attended grand flag barrier practice that evening. The beginning session began on Friday shortly after dinner. There was a pool at the hotel which was super fun for after the sessions. I got to meet a bunch of new girls and some from out of state that I became good friends with.
~ Catalina
Manassas Assembly #13
On Saturday of grand assembly, we got breakfast, then started our opening session and introduce the rest of the people there. Cavalcade of flags in grand flag, tributes forgiven. I was the green flag bearer of white shine and was nervous it’s super excited that I was asked to do speak at grand assembly. The officers entered, which was amazing, and extremely beautiful with the music and pattern of the walk-in.
For lunch I had some amazing desserts that I went back for seconds for and afterwards went to the pool with my sister for a couple of minutes before we had to go back to the session. The grand banquet was probably my favorite meal, not only of the day, but of the entire trip. from the food and service to be exciting announcement of my new position I was excited and eager every minute of the meal. I was so excited for Alyssa who was announcer worthy advisor. Alyssa has been one of those girls I have looked up to in my assembly. She has grown so much and I’m so excited for her Grand year. After the grand banquet , I went to the 80s themed dance which was a blast!
On Sunday my family ate breakfast at the Buffet inside the hotel then went to the devotional. My sister and I were asked by Alyssa to be the silver collectors at the grand assembly to which I obviously said yes too. Since Alyssa is from our assembly, we were all asked to present her mascot. We sang rainbow connections from Kermit the frog and presented her with her two mascots to which named motor boat and gasoline Junior. The new officers were installed and pictures with the new officers,
New grand representatives, and new flag bearers. She gave us all a present, including a stuffed animal that was her mascot. As a grand flag bearer, I received a butterfly.
~ Catalina
Manassas Assembly #13
Father’s Day fishing was a week before Father’s Day it was at Burke Lake. Both Layla and Stella caught fish but were too small to keep. It was my first time fishing and unfortunately did not catch any fish. Although it was an extraordinary experience and I am super glad I went. I learned an invaluable skill of patience and just spending time with my family and people I care about even if I don’t get what I expected. It was a fairly warm day and we arrive around 8 o’clock. Most of the fish bites I did get were earlier in the morning which is when I recommend fishing to get the most fish bites and hopefully a fish. In fact, it was so much fun. I went with my family again a week later on Father’s Day.
~ Catalina
Manassas Assembly #13
Elina’s term is coming up and I am so excited to be hope! I am planning on attending the installation as I find it to be a very honoring and beautiful ceremony! I am also in charge of articles and a couple events this term which I am excited to be in charge of and attend. Elina has since her calendar for this new term, and I am so excited to go to a couple of the events I glanced at. I’m so glad Emily has had a productive term and proud of all of the events she has hosted.
~ Catalina
Manassas Assembly #13
The Father’s Day fishing was on June 11 at 8 AM. We met at Burke Lake and my family, and I brought two fishing rods and borrowed/rented to other. We also brought a fishing kit, and I caught two fish along with Layla who also caught two of the exact same fish. The fish I caught were a bluegill. I had to throw them back because they were too small, so did Layla.
~ Stella
Manassas Assembly #13
At the meeting on June 27th, we met at the lodge. We were supposed to have a pledge night, but we did not have a plan show up so we did not do a pledge meeting. We also met at Swirlies after for meeting. It was a nice refresher right before my family and I dropped off the books for Emily’s book drive.
~ Stella
Manassas Assembly #13
Grand Assembly on Sunday was very fun, we woke up and ate breakfast, then went to the meeting room for Devotional . After that we had installation of Grand officers. then registrational report. And then, we had floral collection. And then hotel check out.
~ Stella
Manassas Assembly #13
Cavalcade is when you take flags from a state or country that represents rainbow and basically have a mini parade for all of the flags. It was very fun for me because it was my first time doing it and my favorite part is when you make the flag sway back and forth. That is my experience with Cavalcade.
~ Stella
Manassas Assembly #13
Grand Assembly was an amazing time to be at. Especially because last year I was initiated at Grand Assembly, so I got to actually interpret what people were saying because I was not stressed out or nervous. Another reason I lived Grand Assembly is because I got to see Alyssa Kiffer get installed as Grand Worthy Advisor and because she is in the assembly I go to I got to sing “Rainbow Connections” at her mascot presentation ! That is just a few reasons I loved Grand Assembly this year.
~ Stella
Manassas Assembly #13