Homecoming Grand Visitation

Posted in Blog on July 12th, 2022 by Christi Reed

On May 14th, Quantico-Freedom Assembly travelled down south to attend the homecoming Grand Visitation. We picked up Anna on the way down and stopped for lunch before the GV. It was a fun event, with the best skit I have ever seen, depicting a college orientation for Kaitlyn. Mom J also announced her retirement as Supreme Inspector and named Dad Joe Grist as our new Supreme Deputy, which caused Mom Ange to cry. While it is sad to see this Grand year coming to a close, I can be assured that there are new and exciting things coming very soon.

Zoe, Quantico-Freedom


Sofia from Bolivia Rainbow’s visit- 5/27/22

Posted in Blog on July 12th, 2022 by Christi Reed

             My mom and I met Sofia from Bolivia Rainbow at Red Robin in Dulles near Dulles Town Center for lunch. Sofia told us everything about Bolivia Rainbow and they do some of the same things as us. The Bolivia Rainbow girls wear mystical capes and sashes with their dresses when they go to meetings, installations, grand visitations, and grand assembly. Their t-shirts, hoodies, and hats in their jurisdiction is a lot more dressier than us. At their grand assembly every year in March- they have more than 100 people come to their grand assembly than some of us in the USA. Bolivia has 16 active assemblies and the Grand Worthy Advisor there is Viviana Moreira and she speaks Spanish. Bolivia Rainbow lets girls stay in Rainbow until they turn 23 years old.

Kassie S.


Strawberry Night

Posted in Blog on July 12th, 2022 by Christi Reed

This year’s Strawberry Night was on Saturday, May 21st, and the Grand Master that attended was Jim Golladay. A few helpers and I had already decorated the dining hall for the dinner, so all we needed to do the next day was balloons and food. Once everyone had already entered the lodge, some Rainbow Girls from our assembly and I served the food, which was chicken picatta, rice pilaf, and roasted vegetables. The Grand Master then presented a speech about the Masonic youth and kindness to everyone at the dinner. Gifts were given to the Grand Master and his wife as appreciation for their responsibilities. The dessert was strawberry shortcake with whipped cream. The money earned during the dinner was donated to the Masonic home.

Maribel – Manassas Assembly


Lodge Clean Up

Posted in Blog on July 12th, 2022 by Christi Reed

On Sunday, May 15th, the Manassas Lodge had a gardening of their front lawn. We first removed all the weeds with shovels and cut the overgrown bushes. Next, we threw away the weeds and replaced the dry dirt with fresh mulch. After that, we dug holes into the mulch to add new flowers then watered both the flowers and the mulch so that the plants around them could also grow. The temperature outside at the time was very hot and it was humid, so we needed to take water breaks occasionally. After we were done, the lawn looked very nice and welcoming.

Maribel – Manassas Assembly #13
