Ohio Grand Representative

During my yearly trip to Ohio to see extended family, I stopped by the Ohio and Indiana Grand Assemblies. The Ohio Grand assembly was held the first weekend of July. I stopped by on Friday July 1st to give remarks during their afternoon session and join them for their banquet dinner. Their Grand Worthy Advisor’s name was Micaela Leach. During their afternoon session, I saw their Grand Rep Parade, where each Grand Rep wore a costume designed to represent their jurisdiction. I also saw their Grand Officer Elections and Appointments. All line offices must be run for, not just Grand Worthy Associate Advisor like in Virginia. Three delegates from each assembly vote beforehand. Once it comes time to announce the winners, all the girls running walk up to the east and introduce themselves. The winner of the election then sits up in the east. This year, all the girls ran unopposed.

In Ohio, there are so many assemblies that they are grouped into districts – I believe they have 13 districts and 29 Assemblies, according to the map displayed during the Grand Worthy Advisor’s Travel Report. Micaela’s theme was Travel. She decorated the assembly room with airplanes, hot air balloons, and bikes. Her Travel Report was very impressive, she visited 21 assemblies, 11 districts, did 8 out of state visits, and in total made over 100 different visits. She traveled a total of 18,512 miles.

After that I ate at the grand banquet where we had build-your-own tacos. While I was eating, I met the Grand Charity of Michigan and the Grand Worthy Associate Advisor of Michigan. They invited me to their Grand Worthy Advisor Reception on August 27th which I will not be able to attend. I also heard remarks from the Grand Rep to Ohio from Indiana, who invited me to their Grand assembly on the 8th.

            I was able to make it to the Afternoon session and Grand Banquet for the Indiana Grand assembly, where I got the contact information for the new Grand Reps to Virginia and passed it along to Virginia’s Grand Rep to Indiana. Their Grand Worthy Advisor’s theme was STEM and her mascots were dinosaurs. The assembly room was decorated with beakers and dinosaur plushies.

Lois C., Hampton Assembly

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