Portsmouth Chapter goes Hawaiian!

Portsmouth Chapter had their installation on August 18th and it was an amazing time. Sara and I showed up as on theme as possible. We both wore flower dresses and lays for the Hawaiian themed installation. All the boys wore Hawaiian shirts and looked like cheesy tourists. The Portsmouth boys seemed to have added new members, which was very nice to see. They’ve grown a lot since their reinstating a few years ago. Afterward, we headed to the reception hall for fellowship and the Hawaiian theme did not stop! There were tons of fun decorations and the food was very tropical. One of the advisors even took time to cut fruit like watermelon and pineapples into works of art. There were pineapple ducks and volcano cakes. It was all very cool to look at and delicious to eat. We joked around and by the end of the night, we didn’t want to say goodbye. It was another fantastic DeMolay event and we were glad we could bring our Rainbow enthusiasm to the mix! 


With Love and Service,

Lauren Ann

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