Manassas Wants Assembly of the Year for 2018

We know everyone wants to win Assembly of the Year, but this is Manassas’ year! We have worked so hard to get as many points as we can. We have Girls and Adults attend as many things as possible to get points for each event. One way we are also earning points is by writing articles for our website. We even made a competition around it! The girl that writes the most articles this term wins a prize!

Thank you so much to Mom Nancy who has kept up with our large Assembly. There are so many ways to earn points and she has kept us organized. We also have a girl tracking articles so we know who the winner will be! Thank you also to Gigi! We hope we can pull through to win Assembly of the Year, as we have been close since we started. Good luck to the other Assemblies! We all have worked hard and the hard work will pay off!

In Rainbow Love & Service,
Manassas Assembly #13

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