Smithfield Assembly Installation

Posted in Blog on July 27th, 2011 by admin

   On July tenth at 2:00 p.m , Smithfield
Assembly No.5 had their open installation of officers. Stevie is the new Worthy Advisor. Her theme is Hawaiian. Her motto is “A friend is a great thing to have and the best thing you can be,” and her fun motto is “Live in the sunshine.” Her colors are hot pink and lavender. Her flower is the hibiscus and her symbols are volcanoes and palm trees. Also, her mascot is the pig. Her charity is Autism Speaks, to fundraise money Smithfield Assembly No.5 will work at a farmers market and hold a flap jack breakfast. Lastly, her service project is a beach cleanup.

     Their installation was great. After the installation everyone enjoyed pineapple, Hawaiian pork, and cake!

Also, when Stevie’s mascot was stolen she did a dance for everyone to get it back. It was a very fun day.




In Rainbow
love and service,

Worthy Advisor of Smithfield Assembly no. 5

Grand Assembly 2010-2011

Posted in Blog on July 27th, 2011 by admin

Grand Assembly was the best! Michelle Baise was Grand Worthy Advisor and she did a great job. Grand Assembly started on Saturday 25 and ended on Monday 27. Everyone had a blast. The cavalcade of flags was awesome, The dance to follow after the banquet on Sunday night was my favorite part, and last on Monday Nicole McLaughlin become the new Grand Worthy Advisor for 2011- 2012.

In rainbow love & service
Grand Confidential observer
Richmond #10

Rainbow Retreat

Posted in Blog on July 11th, 2011 by admin

Rainbow Girls,

Bring your girl friends and possible prospects for a fun weekend at the Rainbow Girls Retreat on Saturday, August 6th through Sunday, August 7th at the Jamestown 4-H Club. We will play games, have pool-time, and S’mores. The cost is $20.00 per person and the money is due by July 16 to Mom McLaughlin so that we can have a headcount of how many girls will be coming.  I hope to see you all there! 🙂

Rainbow Girls Retreat Flier

“Rainbow Roundup” Beginning

Posted in Blog on July 9th, 2011 by admin

Rainbow Girls, Adults, Mom J, Mom Renn, Grand Executive Board, Richmond Assembly #10, and all! I am so honored to be your Grand Worthy Advisor! Thank you so much for all of your support and for giving me this wonderful opportunity to lead, guide, and have fun with you all on this “Rainbow Roundup” Grand Year.

Congratulations Michelle Baise on a wonderful year! It was a blast traveling with you to Pennsylvania and Maryland’s Grand Assembly. You did a fantastic job giving speeches, getting the youth groups together, and making sure everyone was having fun. I hope to be as great as an influence to the girls as you were to them.

This “Rainbow Roundup” Grand Year has had a great start. Grand Assembly was very fun this year. I got splashed with water at the Charity Splash and danced until my legs were sore. Congratulations Smithfield Assembly on receiving Assembly of the year. You definitely earned it. Keep up the good work. I know many of us were exhausted by the time Monday came around for Grand Installation but I am very proud of all of you girls. The Crowning Ceremony that was performed was beautiful and the first time that I have ever seen it done. Thank you everyone that participated. Congratulatoins to all my Officers. I look foward to working with all of you this Grand Year. I hope to see you all in my travels and I hope that all of you Rainbow Girls will travel too. My first visitation was on Founders Day to the Job’s Daughters Grand Session with Mom J where our very own Jamie Marshall from Fairfax Assembly was selected as Grand Bethel Honor Queen. Congratulations Jamie! I look forward to seeing everyone at all of the Installations that are coming up!

In Rainbow Love and Service,

Nicole McLaughlin

GWA 2011-2012