Smithfield Assembly Installation
Posted in Blog on July 27th, 2011 by admin On July tenth at 2:00 p.m , Smithfield
Assembly No.5 had their open installation of officers. Stevie is the new Worthy Advisor. Her theme is Hawaiian. Her motto is “A friend is a great thing to have and the best thing you can be,” and her fun motto is “Live in the sunshine.” Her colors are hot pink and lavender. Her flower is the hibiscus and her symbols are volcanoes and palm trees. Also, her mascot is the pig. Her charity is Autism Speaks, to fundraise money Smithfield Assembly No.5 will work at a farmers market and hold a flap jack breakfast. Lastly, her service project is a beach cleanup.
Their installation was great. After the installation everyone enjoyed pineapple, Hawaiian pork, and cake!
Also, when Stevie’s mascot was stolen she did a dance for everyone to get it back. It was a very fun day.
In Rainbow
love and service,
Worthy Advisor of Smithfield Assembly no. 5