Virginia goes to Maryland

We had such an amazing time at Maryland’s Grand Assembly and what a group!  In addition to our Grand Worthy Advisor, Michelle, and our Supreme Deputy, Mom J, we had Nicole, Kathy, Mom McLaughlin, Mom Simmons and Mom Tracy from Richmond and from Fredericksburg we had Micaela and Rachel with our State Rainbow Dad, Dad Cochrane!  Can you believe they do not have a State Rainbow Dad?  The line officers from Supreme were also there, and let me tell you that was quite an impressive site to see!  We look forward to having Maryland come to Virginia for our Grand Assembly in June.  I encourage all of you to try and visit another jurisdiction, especially Grand Representives visit your counterparts.  It is so much fun seeing the differences and for me, I found that I like the way we do it here in Virginia best, but loved seeing and hearing about how others do Rainbow.

In Rainbow Love,

Mom McLaughlin

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