The Chesapeake Bay Foundation: By Victoria


For our first fun event of the Grand Year we went to the Brock Environmental Center of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. We learned about what the Foundation does and how they are working to keep the bay and all the things that live in it safe. After that we went on a walk where we happened to be very lucky to find a baby turtle trying to get to the water. All I have to say is that the turtle was very adorable and we took it to the water where it was more safe. Before lunch they let us use a net to catch fish and everyone was excited to participate. Some people caught blue crabs, jelly fish, and different types of fish. Once we let all the little animals go, we went back to go eat and the food was great. It was a great experience and I’m happy I had the chance to go.

In RL&S,

Richmond Assembly #10

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