Manassas helps Child ID

On October 7, 2017, Manassas Assembly helped out the Masons and the sheriff’s department with their Child ID booth.  Zoey W. organized our part of the event.  We were to sign up in two hour shifts and I was on the 11am to 1pm shift.  While I was there, I also saw Joella, Ashley, MacKenzie, Zoey W., M’Balu, Batu, Delanie, Gigi, Alyssa, Katie, Sami, and Maribel, but since I didn’t work the early morning shift I didn’t get to see everyone that was there.  Unfortunately, I got sick from the lunch I had while working and was unable to work the Spaghetti Dinner that was later that afternoon and into the evening, but I did come get the food and it was delicious! 

In Rainbow Love and Service,

Isabella C.

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