Hampton @ Smithfield’s Installation

Hampton went to Smithfield’s Installation of Officers on August 6th. Rachal, Alexis, Kensley, Libbie, Maddy, and I all went to support our Sisters and see Brianna go in as Worthy Advisor again. Libbie and Maddy did a great job as Installing Officers and it was an overall beautiful Installation. I always love to see the Smithfield Girls in their pretty dresses and the fun things they do. Speaking of fun things, the Girls presented Brianna with a giant blow up mascot (Splash the dolphin) and they had a dance afterwards! Needless to say, everyone that stayed had a great time and we all were fed a delicious spaghetti dinner! It was a good time for everyone who came and I can’t wait to see what these amazing girls do next!

With Rainbow Love and Service,

Hampton Assembly #2
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