2012 Rainbow Retreat

On August 4th and 5th we had our 2012 Rainbow Retreat. It started bright and early on that Saturday morning. When we all arrived we got our name tags that said which cabin room we would be in. After we all put our stuff down and got situated we had the Pledge Party. During the Pledge Party we played this game. The object of the game was to put each color of the Rainbow to a day of the week. So if you don’t like the day Monday you could maybe put red because it makes you angry. Then we went inside and worked on our posters for the poster contest. After we played a skittles game. Every person got their own pack of skittles, for every color skittle there was a question. There was a team leader at every table to tell everyone which color to take out. The next thing we had was lunch. For lunch we had subs, chips, cookies, and much more. It was all very delicious. Then after lunch we played this game called “Caterpillar”. We got into our cabin groups and tied our legs together. We had to walk through the hula hoops with our falling, touching the hula hoop, or stepping out. Next we got to relax and get ready for the pool. The pool was fun. It cooled us off. Then we went into our cabins and relaxed and took showers and stuff like that to keep everyone cool. Then we went and ate dinner and played the make-up game. This game was really fun! We were blind folded and then had to paint someone’s nails, do their hair, and then put make up on them. After all of that we went back to our cabins and changed in to our pj’s and went to the bon fire where we had smores. On Sunday we had to get up and get ready to be at breakfast at 8:00am. Then we listened to Lauren (GWA) talk to us and then Mom J. talked to us too. After all that we took our famous picture. After that we all said our “good byes” and left to go home.

In Rainbow Love and Service,


Smithfield Assembly #5

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